Thursday, July 18, 2013

That One Friend…

Yes, I think we all have one of these - the one that wants to steal the show everywhere you go!  If you don't know someone like this, you don't know what you're missing.  I've had a couple of wacky friends in my life that I wouldn't have traded for the world.  I would have to say that crazy moments from my current wonderfully wacky friendship made it between the pages of my book The Chicken Club.  So that you can determine what it is I'm talking about, I've posted an excerpt (oh, and the wonderfully wacky friend would be Angela):

            Renee grinned as she sank back in her chair and gazed at Angela over the scant remains of their dinner.  "I'll bet he's still laughing."
            Angela flipped her short dark hair behind her ears.  "I'm surprised we didn't hear his tires screeching as he tore out of the driveway.  Did you see the look on his face?" she snickered.  "Can you imagine what he thought?"
            "Only that he couldn't run fast enough!" Renee giggled.
            "We're going to have to find a new restaurant to order from."  Angela laughed as she pushed her chair back and drew herself up.  "All right, on to the evening's activities, my friend."
            "What are you up to?"
            Angela beamed a noncommittal smile and exited the room. 
            Before Renee know what to think, she'd changed her clothes and was standing in the middle of the living room.  The coffee table had been pushed out of the way and Angela was on her knees, adamantly searching through her music collection.  "Ah, here we go!" she said, lifting a silver music CD out of its plastic case.
            Renee placed her hands stiffly on her hips in an effort to display her severe disappointment.  "You brought me over here to pig-out and then workout?"
            Loading the disc into the player, Angela shook her head.  When she turned around, a bright smile adorned her features.  "Nope."
            Renee groaned when she saw the bright yellow cloth tape measure dangling from Angela's fingers.  "We really don't want to go there, do we?"  Renee sighed.  "It's so depressing."
            "Knowing where we started will mean a lot to us when we reach our goals."
            After taking several minutes to measure each body part and record them, Angela walked determinedly across the room on yet another mission.  "What are you planning now?" Renee asked suspiciously.
            Angela bent down and pulled out a small handheld camcorder from inside the entertainment center.  "Videos!" she said, proudly standing up with the device in her hand.
            "Oh, no."  Renee shook her head and began to back away from the scene of the about-to-be-crime.
            "Oh, yes!"  Angela laughed.  "Come on, we can do this!  What's a little fat dance among friends?"
            "Fat dance?  Have you lost your mind?"
            "Ah, come on Renee.  After we lose the weight, we can do wild skinny dances to celebrate our success."
            Still shaking her head in utter disbelief, Renee started to laugh nervously.  There was no way she could do this in her current state of mind.  Staring toward the kitchen, she took off at a quick gait.  She needed wine, lots of it, and she needed it fast!  Picking up her glass, she chugged the remaining contents then lifted the bottle to her lips and gulped the last couple of sips.  Okay, no matter how humiliating it was, Angela did have a point.  With her shoulders pushed back, Renee returned to the living room.  "Let's get this over with."
            Smiling, Angela hit the record button and joined Renee in the middle of the room.  Sound filled the air as the soft, poignant voice of Olivia Newton-John began crooning the words to "Physical."  Renee groaned and Angela giggled.  Moving slowly at first, they began to increase mobility as the song progressed.  Suddenly the music died away and was replaced by yet another bubbly blast-from-the-past, "Heart Attack."
            Now laughing hysterically, they both abandoned their inhibitions and started to chant with the music while bumping and grinding their bodies in a way that would certainly strain rarely-used muscles to the point of dire, imminent pain.  At this point, a true heart attack was most likely not a far-off risk.  Renee certainly hoped one of them would retain enough sense to dial 911 should they both collapse into a heap of hot, sticky flesh on the living room floor.
            "Isn't this great?"  Angela hooted out loud.
            "Oh yeah, and just what I needed," Renee huffed as she stimulated her body movements with a couple of semi-wicked hip thrusts.  "Like a hole in the head."
            "Remember the Bump?"  Angela shouted.  "Come on, let's do it!"
            Shifting their bodies side by side, they began thumping their hips against one another in one of those grand seventies dances of their youth.  Angela swung her body around to face the opposite direction, never missing a beat.  Their arms began to oscillate back and forth between hip collisions.  Angela bent her knees and lowered her body toward the floor.  Renee did her best to comply, but found she could only crook her limbs minimally.  If she dropped any further, her butt would make solid, unintentional contact with the ground.  Suddenly she couldn't stop the giggle starting to bubble up her esophagus, igniting with fantastic force.
            They both sank onto the couch holding their hands to their aching sides while irrepressible tears streamed down their faces from exploding laughter.  Neither could they speak through their exhaustive gasps for air.  It didn't matter anyway.  There were no words to describe the euphoria encouraged by the freedom granted from the unconditional boundaries of their friendship.  This definitely qualified as one of those wacky circumstances.   

I hope you enjoyed it.  If you would like to read more, you can order a copy of the book through my web store.  You can find it on my website:

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