Friday, July 12, 2013

Lying to Myself


I used to be very good at this.  I could talk myself into or out of most anything…

                Yes, you look good in THAT outfit…
                No, your hair has NOT turned gray under your color…

                Yes, the Diet Coke DOES cancel out the calories in that Snickers Bar…
                No, you CAN’T get sunburned when it’s cloudy out…

                Yes, blank checks mean you STILL have money in the bank…
                And, "No, you DON'T need to write that down, you'll remember it, no problem...

As each day passes, I not only grow a little older but a little wiser as well, if not a little forgetful at times.  I’ve learned to take things with a grain of salt.  I don’t have to look or weigh or be something I’m not.  I am comfortable in my own skin.  My failures are my own but so are my accomplishments.  And for most of us, our accomplishments far outweigh our failures. 
Look in the mirror and by happy with the reflection you see.  Be content with the person you have become.  And even if you forget things at times, smile and celebrate who you are because you’re the only YOU you’ve got.

Stock tip for the day:  Invest in Post It Notes.  They are a mind saver!   

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