Wednesday, July 31, 2013

An American Dream

Yesterday, I ran across this story about Sylvester Stallone, a famous American movie star, and I wanted to share it because we all have BIG dreams.  

Before fame came, Sylvester was a struggling actor in every definition.  At some point, he was so broke that he stole his wife's jewelry and sold it. Things got so bad that he ended up homeless and slept at the New York bus station for three days.  Unable to pay rent or afford food, a true low point came when he could no longer feed his dog.  Standing in front of a liquor store, he tried to sell him.  As he pocketed $25, he walked away crying.

Two weeks later, Sylvester saw a boxing match between Mohammed Ali and Chuck Wepner.  That match gave him the inspiration to write the script for the famous movie ROCKY.  It took him 20 hours to write it.  He then went to work trying to sell it.  He got an offer for $125,000.  However, his request to star as Rocky in the movie was denied.  The studio told him he looked and talked funny and they wanted a real movie star for the role.  Sylvester left with his script in hand.
A few weeks later, the same studio offered him $250,000 for the script.  When they refused to cast him, he turned them down.  Later they offered $350,000 for the script from which he also walked away from.  He told them that he had to be cast in his movie.

Finally, the studio agreed to let him star in it but only offered him $35,000 to do so.  The rest is history! The movie won Best Picture, Best Directing and Best Film Editing at the prestigious Academy Awards. He was even nominated for the Best Actor award.  The Movie ROCKY was even inducted into the American National Film Registry as one of the greatest movies ever!
The first thing Sylvester did with $35,000 was to find his dog.  He loved that dog so much that he stood in front of the liquor store for three days waiting to locate the man he sold his dog to.  On that third day, he saw the man coming with the dog.  Sylvester explained why he sold his best friend and begged for the dog back but the man refused.  When Sylvester offered him $100, the man still refused.   Declining $500 and even $1,000, Sylvester ended up paying $15,000 for the return of his beloved animal, nearly half of the initial payment for his movie. 

Today, the same man who slept in the street and was forced to sell his dog because he couldn’t feed it has one of the most famous faces in Hollywood. 
Have you ever had a dream, a wonderful dream but aren't sure how to implement it?  Life is tough. The world tends to pass you by if you’re not famous or connected or rich.  Doors will shut on you. This happens to people every day but don’t get discouraged and let someone else’s rejection stop you.  Keep dreaming.  This is your life, your story, work hard and fight to keep your dream alive.  Keep believing in yourself and one day, you’re hopes and dreams will come true.  Maybe not quite the way you intended, but in the way they were always meant to be.        

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Take Me to the Ocean!

Today my husband and I are playing hooky by taking a drive to the beach.  We find the vastness of the ocean inspiring, thrilling, enormous, yet peaceful.  We’ve had a lot of life’s uncomfortable moments crash down upon us  the past couple of weeks and a walk on a sandy Florida beach is just what we need.  We love the surf rolling over our bare feet, the deep baby blue sky melding with the dark blue water on the horizon.  The lolling sounds of the waves plunging onto the shore lower blood pressure and relax the mind. 

I hope that wherever you live, you have a peaceful getaway such as this close by.  We all need a special place to unwind and recharge our batteries.  

Have a great day!       

Monday, July 29, 2013

Autumn Can Wait

The ads in Sunday’s paper were crazy with back-to-school bargains.  An article said that the local community schools start back in three weeks time.  In three days we’ll need to flip our calendars from July to August.  Wow, summer is almost over.
For me, that’s okay.  My life is not overloaded with back-to-school excitement.  No need to run out to buy new clothes and shoes or to stand in the supply aisle at WalMart competing with everyone else in town.  It won’t be long though before I hear the stories about my grandson and granddaughter starting school - they have a couple of years yet.  Those will be exciting days indeed!

For me, August means hotter weather, September will be the return of the snowbirds (all the folks coming back to Florida to spend the winter), and October will be the official start to the upcoming holiday season – my favorite time of the year.  I love autumn with all of its color changes and cooling temperatures.  However, I’ll have to remember all my years in Kansas or take a road trip to truly appreciate these things.  For me, the holidays are a celebration of family and friends.  Though we can celebrate all year around, it’s those past memories of large family gathering around the Thanksgiving dinner table or the Christmas tree that I hold so dearly in my heart and the celebration of new traditions and memories in the making that mean so much.
I don’t mean to rush things.  Autumn can wait.  Let’s let summer live on peacefully for as long as it's meant to stay.  Life moves too quickly as it is.  Get out there and enjoy the rest of your summer!  It will be gone be we know it!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Lighter Side of Life

The past couple of days have been a little heavy so I lighted my post up today.
Whatever you have planned, enjoy your weekend.

Friday, July 26, 2013



I saw this picture and it reminded me of my Ronda, the beautiful friend I wrote about yesterday.  It made me smile.  She was always pushing the envelope, living on the edge and she put me in this position more than once! 
I had lunch with my mother yesterday and we talked and laughed as we remembered different things about her.  There was never a dull moment when Ronda was on the scene.  Losing her reminded us that life is too short for most of us but especially for her.  We don’t know how long each of us has here on this earth so we need to live every day to the fullest.  I know that life gets in the way, it gets messy sometimes and our joy is robbed now and again.  Sometimes we live in pain and fear, uncertainty and even depression.  Our bliss lives hiding in the shadows of our lives.    
Those are the moments that we have to power through.  Enjoy the time we have surrounded with friends and family who love us, fill our spare time doing the things we love to do, and appreciate the things we don’t.  Life is a precious gift that we take for granted.  It’s not forever – in fact – we don’t know our expiration date.  It’s not ink stamped on our skin like the food products we buy but we still have a shelf life.

I don’t want to sit on a boring shelf packaged between canned chili and pickled eggs.  I want to by happy in my surroundings and be alive with joy and hope.  I want to power through the negative and to live a blessed life.  There are small things that I regret but as mom and I talked about yesterday, we are secure and happy in our lives and if it were to end tomorrow, we would be content and ready to move on.
I wish the same for you.  Each day we are given is one day less we have.  Live and be happy no matter what circumstance you face.  Life is truly too short no to.          

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Rest in Peace, my Friend


I sadly learned that one of my dear friends passed away from lung cancer at age 47 yesterday.  She left behind a husband, three children, a father, and a brother.  The news of Ronda’s death left me in a state of devastated shock, to say the least.
She was one of my best friends in high school.  Ronda, Debbie, and I were the Three Musketeers (fem fatale – in our own minds) in our small Kansas town.  We three were practically inseparable.  We were young, average girls who were inexperienced, boy crazy, and trying to find our way in small town America.  Needless to say, we got into trouble – often. 

I graduated before both Ronda and Debbie, so I moved away first, though we all stood up with one another when each of us married.  As our paths took us in different directions, we lost touch with one another for some time.  However, Facebook brought us back together.  It was then I learned Ronda’s parents, Bryce and Delores, my second family, had moved to Florida.  Ronda and I rekindled our friendship via the Internet and promised that we would get together as soon as possible.  Life again got in the way of our promises and we were left posting notes to one another online. 
Delores was diagnosed with lung cancer three years ago.  Ronda kept me abreast until she passed away two months ago.  We continued chatting after her passing, making plans to get together the next time she came to Florida to visit her family or I returned to Kansas for a visit.  I never expected to receive the news I did yesterday.  She was young, vibrant, funny, and loved by everyone.  I feel a bit guilty that our good intentions will never be brought to fruition – at least not in this earthly realm.

I have many stories upon which our friendship was built that I could share with you but I won’t.  Those are personal, my own little treasure trove of happy times that I’ll keep locked in my heart where she will live for the rest of my days.  My solace comes from knowing that Delores was waiting with open arms to receive her daughter in heaven.  It gives my heart great relief knowing they are together, angels floating above the earth, free from this harsh world of pain, fear, and suffering.  They have reached the Promised Land where one day, we will all join them.  

I love you both, rest in peace my lovely friend.   

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Art of Common Sense

Have you ever encountered some who couldn’t see the obvious?  They may have been book-smart to the umpteenth degree, but the things that should be simple and straightforward, were not.  Or perhaps they trudged into a situation without taking a moment to consider the consequences of their actions?  I certainly have.  

Maybe the following will help:

I'm not pointing fingers.  In fact, we can all be reminded of the above (probably on a daily basis).  I can't tell you how many words have flown at light speed out of my mouth without my stopping to think about them first.  In fact, I am guilty of doing ALL of the things listed above - too many times to count!  Maybe I should be the first in line to point a finger at myself for I am guilty.

In light of this, my goal for the day will be to concentrate on these five things:

Listen.  Think.  Wait.  Forgive.  Try. 

It's good advice.  Are you with me?  

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Trust Issues

(Sharing a little humor on a difficult topic.)
Trust is a huge factor in any relationship.  I’ve been thinking about the different levels of expectation you have with people, such as, you wouldn’t have the same expectancies of trust from someone you just met compared to someone you know and sit next to in church each Sunday.  If either of those is dishonest, the latter is going to affect you much more than the other. 

Why can’t we treat each other with love and respect?  I know that people are hurting or trying to hide things in their life that they are ashamed of.  I’ve done this many times myself.  It didn’t help.  Had I been honest and told those closest to me of my circumstances, my feelings, or even my fears, my friends and family would have been there for me with open arms.  Instead, we hide behind false facades that eventually blow our worlds up - every time.
I suppose I stumbled onto the idea of this topic yesterday when I was adding some new books to my bookshelves and ran across a book I had read some time ago titled, “Same Kind of Different as Me,” by Ron Hall and Denver Moore.  It was assigned through a book club (I probably would never have found it otherwise), and it deeply affected me.  Here is what it says on the back cover:

A dangerous, homeless drifter who grew up picking cotton in virtual slavery.
An upscale art dealer accustomed to the world of Armani and Chanel.
A gusty woman with a stubborn dream.
A story so incredible no novelist would dare dream it.
This book affected me on the very basic level of humanity.  It was gritty, somewhat painful, yet full of faith and grace as well.  Trust was a definite issue in this story.  By the last page, however, you learn what the words “love” and “trust” truly mean.  I carried the words and ideas of this book with me long after I finished it.  Running across it yesterday brought them all back.  I hope that you'll pick up a copy to read.  The passion and inspiration you'll find between the covers will truly affect you.
“I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much.”
Mother Teresa


Monday, July 22, 2013

A Royal Baby Tale

 Could today be the day the Royal heir is born?  The news reports this morning tell us Katherine (Kate), Duchess of Cambridge, may be in the early stages of labor.  My husband and I made a short trip down to the Florida Keys last week to spend a couple of days with his family who were visiting.  His 94 year old grandmother was there as well and she had her eyes glued to the news channels in anticipation of the newborn's arrival.  She was eager with expectation and we all enjoyed her excitement.  It’s not every day that a future king or queen is born.
It’s amazing that the media and paparazzi have been camped out in front of St. Mary’s Hospital in West London for more than two weeks now – all to get the chance to take that one shot of the Duke and Duchess standing on the hospital steps, introducing the newborn to the world.  I can’t even imagine what fame and fortune the perfect picture will bring to its owner.  For the rest of us, we wait in eager anticipation of the arrival.  
It may only be Monday here in America, but it looks to be a very special day for the world.  Whether swaddled in pink or blue, may God bless the Royal family and keep this little one happy, safe, and healthy.  Congratulations to the Royal throne on the birth of their future successor.   


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Summer Happiness

Summertime is running out so get out there and enjoy what's left.
Have a great weekend!

Friday, July 19, 2013

An Awesome Love Story


If only we would all step out of our little boxed lives and learn something new.
We could change the world. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

That One Friend…

Yes, I think we all have one of these - the one that wants to steal the show everywhere you go!  If you don't know someone like this, you don't know what you're missing.  I've had a couple of wacky friends in my life that I wouldn't have traded for the world.  I would have to say that crazy moments from my current wonderfully wacky friendship made it between the pages of my book The Chicken Club.  So that you can determine what it is I'm talking about, I've posted an excerpt (oh, and the wonderfully wacky friend would be Angela):

            Renee grinned as she sank back in her chair and gazed at Angela over the scant remains of their dinner.  "I'll bet he's still laughing."
            Angela flipped her short dark hair behind her ears.  "I'm surprised we didn't hear his tires screeching as he tore out of the driveway.  Did you see the look on his face?" she snickered.  "Can you imagine what he thought?"
            "Only that he couldn't run fast enough!" Renee giggled.
            "We're going to have to find a new restaurant to order from."  Angela laughed as she pushed her chair back and drew herself up.  "All right, on to the evening's activities, my friend."
            "What are you up to?"
            Angela beamed a noncommittal smile and exited the room. 
            Before Renee know what to think, she'd changed her clothes and was standing in the middle of the living room.  The coffee table had been pushed out of the way and Angela was on her knees, adamantly searching through her music collection.  "Ah, here we go!" she said, lifting a silver music CD out of its plastic case.
            Renee placed her hands stiffly on her hips in an effort to display her severe disappointment.  "You brought me over here to pig-out and then workout?"
            Loading the disc into the player, Angela shook her head.  When she turned around, a bright smile adorned her features.  "Nope."
            Renee groaned when she saw the bright yellow cloth tape measure dangling from Angela's fingers.  "We really don't want to go there, do we?"  Renee sighed.  "It's so depressing."
            "Knowing where we started will mean a lot to us when we reach our goals."
            After taking several minutes to measure each body part and record them, Angela walked determinedly across the room on yet another mission.  "What are you planning now?" Renee asked suspiciously.
            Angela bent down and pulled out a small handheld camcorder from inside the entertainment center.  "Videos!" she said, proudly standing up with the device in her hand.
            "Oh, no."  Renee shook her head and began to back away from the scene of the about-to-be-crime.
            "Oh, yes!"  Angela laughed.  "Come on, we can do this!  What's a little fat dance among friends?"
            "Fat dance?  Have you lost your mind?"
            "Ah, come on Renee.  After we lose the weight, we can do wild skinny dances to celebrate our success."
            Still shaking her head in utter disbelief, Renee started to laugh nervously.  There was no way she could do this in her current state of mind.  Staring toward the kitchen, she took off at a quick gait.  She needed wine, lots of it, and she needed it fast!  Picking up her glass, she chugged the remaining contents then lifted the bottle to her lips and gulped the last couple of sips.  Okay, no matter how humiliating it was, Angela did have a point.  With her shoulders pushed back, Renee returned to the living room.  "Let's get this over with."
            Smiling, Angela hit the record button and joined Renee in the middle of the room.  Sound filled the air as the soft, poignant voice of Olivia Newton-John began crooning the words to "Physical."  Renee groaned and Angela giggled.  Moving slowly at first, they began to increase mobility as the song progressed.  Suddenly the music died away and was replaced by yet another bubbly blast-from-the-past, "Heart Attack."
            Now laughing hysterically, they both abandoned their inhibitions and started to chant with the music while bumping and grinding their bodies in a way that would certainly strain rarely-used muscles to the point of dire, imminent pain.  At this point, a true heart attack was most likely not a far-off risk.  Renee certainly hoped one of them would retain enough sense to dial 911 should they both collapse into a heap of hot, sticky flesh on the living room floor.
            "Isn't this great?"  Angela hooted out loud.
            "Oh yeah, and just what I needed," Renee huffed as she stimulated her body movements with a couple of semi-wicked hip thrusts.  "Like a hole in the head."
            "Remember the Bump?"  Angela shouted.  "Come on, let's do it!"
            Shifting their bodies side by side, they began thumping their hips against one another in one of those grand seventies dances of their youth.  Angela swung her body around to face the opposite direction, never missing a beat.  Their arms began to oscillate back and forth between hip collisions.  Angela bent her knees and lowered her body toward the floor.  Renee did her best to comply, but found she could only crook her limbs minimally.  If she dropped any further, her butt would make solid, unintentional contact with the ground.  Suddenly she couldn't stop the giggle starting to bubble up her esophagus, igniting with fantastic force.
            They both sank onto the couch holding their hands to their aching sides while irrepressible tears streamed down their faces from exploding laughter.  Neither could they speak through their exhaustive gasps for air.  It didn't matter anyway.  There were no words to describe the euphoria encouraged by the freedom granted from the unconditional boundaries of their friendship.  This definitely qualified as one of those wacky circumstances.   

I hope you enjoyed it.  If you would like to read more, you can order a copy of the book through my web store.  You can find it on my website:

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I Got This!

I have to share a funny little story with you...

Picture a little boy, four years old, with brown hair and brown eyes.  He’s wearing his favorite red super hero shirt over red, white, and blue plaid shorts.  He’s sporting white (well, minus the dirt) socks and blue super hero sneakers.
This little boy (my grandson) came running through the garage door into the kitchen, telling is dad that his bike was broken and he needed a wrench to fix it.  My son told him that he would be right out to help him.  In the two minutes it took for my son to arrive on the scene, my grandson had located a wrench, proceeded to put the pedal back on and was tightening it.  When he saw his dad, he looked up and said, “I got this.”

Needless to say, my son could only laugh at the situation.  He was also highly impressed that the pedal was back on and tight, that baby was not coming off again anytime soon!  I can just imagine the look of pride on my grandson's cute little face. 
I am happy that my son takes the time to work with my grandson, showing him his tools and teaching him how to use them correctly.  However, I think my grandson to too smart for his own britches!   
You can just imagine what our family’s new mantra is!  Have a great day.   

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wrinkle Free

We live in a world that strives to be wrinkle free.  We iron our clothes, purchase repair serum or injections for our skin, and tidy our lives into neat little boxes we can hide away from the world.  What people don’t know about us won’t hurt them.  Right?  Why is this?

Ironing our clothes I can perfectly understand but why do we feel we need to correct, reverse, or conceal other parts of ourselves?  I have a large horseshoe shaped scar on my left forearm from a surgery three years ago.  Once the bandages came off I wore long sleeves to cover it up.  I didn’t want to see it or talk about the reason for its existence – that nasty six letter word:  CANCER. 
With time, it has faded some, but now, instead of hiding my scar from the world, I proudly display it.  Why?  Because it’s a reminder that I survived, it’s a reminder that God is not done with me yet.  And that my friends, is something to celebrate.

So you have crinkles around your eyes, laugh lines around your mouth, wrinkles under your chin, and stretch marks across your abdomen, or scars here and there left from various instances over the course of your life.  Each mark, each scar, each wrinkle is to be celebrated and cherished.  You survived each and every one and all carry an accounting behind them. Don’t hide them; they are testaments of the life you’ve lived thus far.  They tell the specific story of you.  They may not be beautiful by the world's standard of beauty but they are yours, part of your life's survival story, and something to be proud of.
Move forward and let the younger folks worry about wrinkles.  For you and I, let’s celebrate each and every one.  Life is messy, even with an iron in your hand.  Be proud to show off your scars for you are a survivor, you are loved, and God isn’t through with you yet. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Praise for Exercise


We have a trampoline just like this and I use it regularly, but please Lord, don’t let me look like this while I’m on it!!!
I thought I would start off the week with a little humor.  I also wanted you to know how important exercise is.  I’m not talking about six to eight hours in the gym with trainers screaming in your face like they do on The Biggest Loser (I love that show), but rather smaller and more time manageable tasks worked into our daily lives.  Take the dog for a walk.  If you don’t have one, park at the back of the grocery store or mall parking lot.  If you have access to a pool, swim.  Turn on the stereo or put in a CD and dance.  All of these are easy and inexpensive ways to exercise. 

There have been times in my life when exercise played a very non–existent role.  Those were also the times that I didn’t feel healthy, didn’t care what I ate, and my self-esteem was very low.  Not anymore.  I love the fresh air, the sweat, and the feel of the burn.  Your body tones itself, your clothes fit better, and you have an overall better outlook on life.   I don’t want to be a body builder or an Olympic contender, I just want to be in the best possible shape that I can be.  I’m not getting any younger. 
So join me in my quest to live a healthier lifestyle.  I’ll be your cheerleader if you’ll be mine.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Toy Story


A friend posted this picture of Woody and Buzz Lightyear on Facebook and I loved it.  How clever!  I wish my bumper was big enough to steal the idea and repeat it.
Can you believe this movie made its debut in 1995?  Holy cow, it just doesn’t seem possible.  Not only did my boys love it, but I can remember all of my adult friends laughing at how much this movie was actually geared toward the adult crowd.  I laughed with my co-workers over the jokes that went straight over our children’s heads.  The third story though, had us all in tears as our children, like Andy, were heading out the door bound for college and beyond.

It’s supposed to rain most of the weekend here in Florida.  Maybe I’ll dig these movies out, make a big bowl of popcorn and watch them, especially while the rain drowns out our satellite connection.  You’re welcome to come over and join me!  BYOT...(Bring Your Own Tissue).
TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!!!  Have a great weekend.  

Friday, July 12, 2013

Lying to Myself


I used to be very good at this.  I could talk myself into or out of most anything…

                Yes, you look good in THAT outfit…
                No, your hair has NOT turned gray under your color…

                Yes, the Diet Coke DOES cancel out the calories in that Snickers Bar…
                No, you CAN’T get sunburned when it’s cloudy out…

                Yes, blank checks mean you STILL have money in the bank…
                And, "No, you DON'T need to write that down, you'll remember it, no problem...

As each day passes, I not only grow a little older but a little wiser as well, if not a little forgetful at times.  I’ve learned to take things with a grain of salt.  I don’t have to look or weigh or be something I’m not.  I am comfortable in my own skin.  My failures are my own but so are my accomplishments.  And for most of us, our accomplishments far outweigh our failures. 
Look in the mirror and by happy with the reflection you see.  Be content with the person you have become.  And even if you forget things at times, smile and celebrate who you are because you’re the only YOU you’ve got.

Stock tip for the day:  Invest in Post It Notes.  They are a mind saver!   

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hugging is Contagious

 I come from a family of huggers (not Dugger’s – the good Lord blessed me and my parents with only one sibling) and we love to hug – everyone! 
Unfortunately, my first husband came from a large family of non-huggers.  They were stiff as a board when it came to showing affection.  When I remarried, my second husband came from a family of non-huggers as well, but he was trainable!  In fact, so was his family and I sneak in hugs every opportunity I get! 

I understand that hugs are healthy.  They release stress and increase oxytocin levels in our bodies.  Yes – wrapping someone else in your arms is actually good for you.  Not only does is show affection, but it relays encouragement and support.  (We’ll leave the Dugger’s connection out of this discussion as I’m keeping it PG-rated at the most.  You’ll have to read one of my books if you want more.)  Hugs really are contagious.  Have you ever met a hugger that didn’t make you smile or feel happy?  Like a smile, one hug leads to another which leads to another.   
So, here is my goal for the day:  To hug as many people as I can. 
Maybe you’ll be one of them!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Marriage Box


I have found that LOVE is not an emotion, it’s a choice.  If it were an emotion, as soon as the feeling dwindled or diminished, we would walk away.  People are not perfect.  In fact, people can be downright had to love.  We have to make the decision, day to day, sometimes moment to moment, to love our spouses (significant others), children, friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances, and strangers.
Like marriage, don’t put your friendships or relationships in a box.  Make the choice to love unconditionally.  Think how much better the world would be if everyone made the choice to love. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Things My Mother Taught Me

From Bert Christensen’s Truth & Humor Collection

1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
 "If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning."

  2. My mother taught me RELIGION.
 "You better pray that will come out of the carpet."

  3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
 "If you don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next week!"

  4. My mother taught me LOGIC.
 "Because I said so, that's why."

  5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC.
 'If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going to the store with me."

  6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT.
 "Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident."

  7. My mother taught me IRONY.
 "Keep crying and I'll give you something to cry about."

  8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS.
 "Shut your mouth and eat your supper."

 9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM.
 "Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!"

  10. My mother taught me about STAMINA.
 "You'll sit there until all that spinach is gone."

  11. My mother taught me about WEATHER.
 "This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it."

  12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY.
 "If I told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!"

  13. My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.
 "I brought you into this world, and I can take you out."

 14. My mother taught me about BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION.
 "Stop acting like your father!"

  15. My mother taught me about ENVY.
 "There are millions of less fortunate children in this world who don't have wonderful parents like you do."

  16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
 "Just wait until we get home."

  17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING.
 "You are going to get it when you get home!"

  18. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
 "If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to freeze that way."

  19. My mother taught me ESP.
 "Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?"

  20. My mother taught me HUMOUR.
 "When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."

  21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.
 "If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up."

  22. My mother taught me GENETICS.
 "You're just like your father."

  23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS.
 "Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a barn?"

  24. My mother taught me WISDOM.
 "When you get to be my age, you'll understand."

  25. And (his) favorite: my mother taught me about JUSTICE.
 "One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like you!"

I would personally like to add one thing to this list:  LAUGHTER.
My mother taught me how to laugh, and I believe this is by far, the best thing she could have taught me.  In fact, my husband continually says how much he enjoys the sound of our combined laughter.  Thanks mom!  Can’t wait for our lunch date on Thursday!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Nature’s Beauty

On the heels of America’s birthday celebration, I found this picture and wanted to share its beauty.  I wonder had it been placed right in front of my eyes, if would I have seen it?  Most of the time I feel too rushed or pushed or busy to stop and truly look around me at the awesome beauty that God provides us on a daily basis.  We have such stunning greenery surrounding our back yard and I only really pay attention to it when I sit on our back patio enjoying breakfast or dinner.  (Right now, it's too HOT to sit outside and enjoy the back patio!)

How many times have you heard the phrase “Stop and smell the roses?”  For me, that would be too many – too many times that I’ve ignored it.  However, just a few hours of being surrounded in God’s majestic splendor soothes my inner-restlessness.  Being one-on-one with nature brings a peace to my senses that nothing else does.  So why do I continue to ignore it? 

If my fragile skin could take on the full spectrum of the sun, I would spend a lot more time in it.  I would have a golden hue instead of the pale and freckled white that I now exhibit.  I guess I could spray paint myself but I fear that the golden hue would turn out to be hideously uneven and a dead giveaway!  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hide in my house day after day, pining away from that burning ball of fire.  I do get out and about often, carefully covered in a high number proofed sunscreen.  However, I do need to work harder on viewing the beautiful state of Florida and beyond that surrounds me.  Nature beckons our attention and best of all - it's free!  (It really doesn't get any better than that.)  I hope you’ll take the time to do the same, no matter where you are.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Daughters and Sons

I wish that teaching our daughters and sons all of these things was easy.  However, if it was easy, our children would naturally absorb these behaviors and understand their importance.  We are all different and our youth changes from generation to generation.  Today, we live in a world of disposable marriages.  More marriages fail than succeed because it takes too much work to save it.  For a lot of people, it's easier to move on, start over, and forget.
I am divorced.  For me, it wasn't an easy choice.  There were many things that had gone on within the boundaries of my marriage that I won't share as they would be damaging in print, however, communication was a key factor.  We were unable to resolve our problems because he refused to discuss them.  In fact, he would leave the premises and expect my "fit" to be over by the time he returned.  When the next argument rolled around, he couldn't understand why I threw the old arguments into the new one.  It was a vicious cycle in which we eventually walked away from, leaving our two young boys with a divorced parent status.
However, I do believe that the boys became stronger men because of it.  They were able to view their mother putting her foot down as to what she would and wouldn't endure.  I'm not perfect.  I've made a lot of mistakes along the way and will continue to do so.  But both of my boys have families now and they love their wives and treat them with respect.  Along the way, I taught them the art of communication and the importance of it in relationships.  I waited ten years (dating several men in the process) before meeting the right one.  I know that the willingness of my husband's love and attention helped my boys view what a healthy relationship looks like.  Not to mention, my parents relationship which is approaching 50 years next month.  (Congratulations!)
Our children are our future.  As we grow older, they will step into leadership roles around the world.  My prayer is that we teach and they learn the importance of loving and respecting one another.  It is our duty as parents.  I know some of you are saying to me that this is impossible, your child is lost or troubled or incapable, and that may be true.  But at some point, if you keep trying, your words, your actions, and your love will get through.  You may not even realize it when it happens.  Stick to your gut, be the best parent that you can be, and pray.  Our children need us now more than ever.   

Friday, July 5, 2013

Red Heart Bookends

I collect hearts.  The first trip to Florida that my husband and I had together, we took a day trip to the National Seashore near Cape Kennedy.  It was there that I found my first heart-shaped shell.  We’ve been keeping my eye out for stone or shell or decorative hearts that we could purchase ever since.  We found a stone heart in Table Rock Lake near Branson, Missouri on our honeymoon.  We found a large stone heart in Cozumel, Mexico when we left our first cruise boat to walk around the port (my husband actually had to climb into the water to get it).  We bought a unique stone heart at the Museum in downtown Houston, and so on.   

We have a diverse collection for which my son made me a steel shadow box to display most of them in.  It’s lovely.  On my living room bookshelves sits a pair of large red hearts resting on a black square base.  Between them are many beloved books.  They were a purchase made on an afternoon shopping excursion with my mother.  We found them at Pier One.  Each time I view those bookends, I have to smile as they remind me not only of the collection we have but also of the cherished time I spend with my mom.  Having moved close to my parents again after all these years has been a precious blessing.  I love you mom and dad.
I suppose what I’m trying to share with you is not the need to start a collection, but the importance of valuing your relationships with family and friends.  You may not be interested in a set of red heart- shaped bookends, but there is something out there that can remind you of the treasured relationships you hold in your hands.  Those relationships maintain a value that can never be replaced.  Even though it may be a struggle at times, it's important to hold on to them with loving arms for life as we know it is much too short.  My hope is that you have your own version of the red heart-shaped bookends memory to live on in your heart.              

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Magic Portal

Children’s Books
Short Stories
Yes,'s a pleasant pastime.
It's summer time.  Vacation time.  Go to the library or your favorite bookstore and load up!  Engage your imagination and your emotions.  Pick up a book and dive in.  Your brain will thank you for it.