Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sustaining Happiness

On the contrary, I believe we all have fits of happiness that compare to the picture above.  We may not be able to carry a mouthful of tennis balls around but we can surround ourselves with those we love, do something we love to do, find something new to enjoy, or just decide to have a good time no matter where we are or what the circumstances are. 

Being a pet is quite a simple undertaking as you require love and attention, food and water, walks and treats.  I'm talking about my own dogs.  They are underfoot constantly, their job being to love and be loved.  They bring us many fits of happiness.  So do many of the things that I enjoy doing.  And sometimes, being happy is simply a choice that we make.

So, as I sit here with a dog on my lap while writing this blog, I wish you happiness, especially with the holiday's upon us.  This time of the year is difficult for many.  Sadly, the suicide rate jumps up during the holiday season.  Be happy in your own life but reach out to those who might be searching for some tender loving care and attention.  You have nothing to lose and just might give a fit of happiness to someone in dire need.  What better way to celebrate the true reason for the season.    

1 comment:

  1. Happiness comes from within, Joy and Peace come from the Lord. Brighten someones day this Holiday Season, be a blessing to those that are hurting. We all can do something, even if it is just a smile or a kind word!


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