What a great concept. Can we do it? Can we go through one full day simply being grateful? Is it possible not to complain about a single thing for a twenty-four hour period? I don't know if it's possible but I'm going to give it a shot.
I feel that in this "now" world of instant gratification, a lot of things are taken for granted. The concept of working toward something you want has been thrown out the window and run over by the garbage truck. I like simplicity. However, that idea seems to get lost in that "got to have it now" mentality. I don't want to communicate only by text or computer. I miss the days when friends and families hung out on their front porches or in their back yards...together. I want to block off our street to have a block party - but I don't know most of my neighbors. This needs to change - and it starts with me.
So yes, I am going to strive to be grateful for everything today. And if I fail, I will keep trying tomorrow, and the day after, until I succeed. It's important to me that I succeed with this endeavor. And just just for a day either.
This is my favorite time of the year! Thanksgiving and Christmas, Yes to some it is very stress filled. But if we simplify and look at how truley we are blessed, we have so much to be thankful and grateful for!