Thursday, August 29, 2013

When It’s Gone, It’s Gone

We jokingly make up sayings like Manic Monday, Hump Day (Wednesday), and Finally Friday to help us get through the week.  Some week’s are tougher than others.  My question is, if we continually struggle to get through the week, why or how does the year go by so darned quickly?  Not just this year but every year – the older I get the faster time flies by.  I can’t seem to get enough done in a day and then it’s gone.  Poof!  Forever. 

I know people who live in their memories like yesteryear is a much happier place than today.  In some aspects, I agree.  In others, it worries me that they are missing out on the joys of today.  It may be that today is a bit overwhelming where yesterday can be seen in its entirety and in as slow a motion as the mind makes it.  Maybe yesterday was a happier time for you but if you can’t step past it and into the present, you will never be happy today and life will be over tomorrow.

The world, by every standard, is a tough place.  We do our best to navigate the steep terrain that becomes our path of choice.  Do we make the right decisions?  Not always.  Do we have regrets?  Of course we do.  Does life tend to shock us at times?  You bet it does.  Is it easier to live in your head than have your feet firmly planted on the ground?  At times, very much so.  In the end, however, we have to put one foot in front of the other, grab the reins of life and roll with it. 

Remember the past with fondness, respect your experiences, and appreciate today for what it brings to you:  a new day filled with opportunities, a chance to change the things that need changed, and value what is important.  Don’t waste the day living somewhere else in your head.  When it’s gone, it’s gone.  You can't get it back.

1 comment:

  1. I think too many people wish thier lives away. Before I retired people I worked with on Monday were already wishing it was Friday so they could get to "The Weekend". I thought that was so sad to wish your life away. Embrace everyday and enjoy the blessings of that day, we can never get today back, life is already short enuff!


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