Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Grandma’s Refrigerator

What do you hang on your refrigerator?  Is it filled with magnates, letters of the alphabet, business cards, cartoons, or photographs?  Mine has all of those things and pictures my grandson has drawn or painted or glued.  In fact, I received a picture just last week in the mail, addressed to Grandma.  The back was covered in marker scribbles and the flap was lined with at least twenty stickers, keeping the cargo safely concealed inside.  I had to chuckle when I pulled it out of the mailbox.  Inside was the simple outline of a house in orange marker that had been folded at least eight times.

When I called to thank him for the picture, my son asked me what was in the envelope.  Apparently, my grandson had drawn it the first day of pre-kindergarten and treating like a precious gift via Fort Knox, would not let either one of them view it before mailing.  That made me laugh even harder.

You can always tell a Grandma’s refrigerator above all others because of how it’s decorated.  I love filling up the empty spaces with treasures.  Labor Day is this weekend and we will be getting together with the kids.  I’m hoping my mom and I will have more of my grandson’s pictures to fight over!  (It really isn’t much of a fight – she picks a work of art, then I pick one – when there are many are share.)  Hopefully that will be the case as I seem to have extra room on the refrigerator right now!

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