Saturday, August 10, 2013

Unexpectedly Priceless

I love this picture.  Those little yellow minions make me laugh every time I see them.  This this picture is so very true.  Even if your friend lives miles away in another town or another state, when you see one another, time melts away and you pick up exactly where you left off.  And that my friends, is a wonderful and priceless gift. 

If you can’t be near someone special to you today, I encourage you to pick up the phone.  Everyday life has such a way of taking us over that we get too busy or tired or inundated to make the effort of adding something as simple as a phone call to our day.
And if that special someone is lucky enough to live down the street or across town, make plans to have lunch or go to the pool or a movie or the mall together!  Just a few hours together will recharge your batteries and lift your spirits.
It’s Saturday.  Put the work week behind you and do something simple for yourself.  You’ll feel a lot better reconnecting with someone.  I can feel the laughter bubbling up the esophagus now!  We all need the easy laughter associated with those we love, more than we know. Enjoy your weekend!

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