Friday, January 1, 2016

Welcome 2016!

The Blessing Bag

This post is making it's rounds on Facebook and I felt I need to share it.  It's a great idea and with the coming of the New Year, I believe that I will be participating in this small but genuine act of kindness.

"This is what me and my daughter have started doing....We are keeping a "Blessing bag" in our car in case we find someone in need. You can make these up with items from the Dollar Tree such as gloves, thermal socks, beef sticks, crackers, candy bars, toothpaste, toothbrush, wipes, deodorant, snacks and other items that may help someone who is homeless or in a bad way. It is just a thoughtful, inspiring thing to do. This is something we are going to start doing from now on. Thank you to the ones that did this long before us, for being such a giving, loving, caring person! Random acts of kindness take very little to change the life of just one person."

Photo courtesy of Amy Verder

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