Thursday, October 10, 2013

Eyes Wide Open

If it weren't for the bad things in life, we would take the good things for granted.  Appreciation comes from the ability to decipher good from bad.  It's easy to appreciate the good, but in the long run, we come to value the lessons learned, tragedies overcome, illnesses conquered, or even what or whom we've lost.  It's those times, the tough times in life that we grow the most.  We have to dig down deep to find the strength, hope and faith to carry on, even when we don't feel up to it. 

When those bad things are happening in your life, look up.  You're not alone.  God is there, friends and family are there.  Wrap yourself in the arms of each, they will see you through your darkest hours.  And when you come out on the other side, remember your journey.  Appreciate the ways in which your life changed because of it. 

Open your eyes wide, cherish each moment of your life, the good and the bad.  They are part of your human make-up.  Respect yourself.  Love who you are and share yourself and your history with everyone around you.  You never who your story might affect or even help.  You may have helped countless people already and not even know it.  We're not meant to go through this life alone.  Be honest, be appreciative, and most of all, keep your eyes open.         

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