Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween Greetings!

There's a goblin at my window,
A monster by my door.
The pumpkin at my table
Keeps on smiling more and more.
There's a ghost who haunts my bedroom,
A witch whose face is green.
They used to be my family,
Till they dressed for Halloween.
(Author Unknown)
Have a safe and happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Don't Stop Laughing!

Oh yes - I've had many days like this and am getting ready to have more.  I have had great times of laughter with my friends and family.  There are time when tears flow and bellies hurt but for some reason, we just can't stop.  The funny bones are tickled and we fall on the floor and can't get up. 

This is going to be one of those weeks for my family and I.  We are getting together to celebrate my parents 50th wedding anniversary.  It's not often that we get everyone together but now that we are, we will definitely be doing some belly laughing and reminiscing as well as making new memories. 

I hope that with the upcoming holiday season, you and yours can do the same.  We all need to let loose once in a while.  Yes - laugh like there is no tomorrow.  (And if we're lucky enough to have tomorrow, we'll have more memories to remember and to laugh about.) 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

On the Banks of Sernity

What an incredible picture.  It makes me want to hold my breath so as not to disturb the beauty of nature.  I'm not sure where this photo was taken but I would like to sit on bank across from it for a while and soak up the serenity.  It truly makes you appreciate nature at its best.  The hill is on fire while the swans scream of romance.  I probably need to make my words of description a little softer but I can't.  I would love to have a cabin here, on the banks of this lake, where I could sit in the mornings sipping a cup of tea, enjoying the bright, crisp changes of autumn.  This is a Calgon moment at it's best.  (Yes - Calgon, take me away!) 

You are more than welcome to stay a while and enjoy the scenery with me.  Have a lovely day.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Accepting What Is

Depending on what season you may be going through in your life, the above may be more difficult. It's easy to accept and move forward when things are going well.  There isn't much need of acceptance, letting go, and growing our faith when things are good. 
It's those more difficult times that make us pause.  When things are not going as planned or my path has stagnated, I find that I pray more, which sometimes comes out as pleading or bargaining (neither helps as I remain on God's timing and not my own).  At such times, it's harder to accept things as they are and let go of what is or what was.  Faith can be a fickle thing at times. 
I believe it's why we go through seasons.  Things go well and we tend to blindly accept faith and happily dance through our high season.  When the seasons change however, we drop to our knees in search of understanding and the hope of change.  It's in our time of need that we continue to focus our eyes heavenward.  It's a reminder to us that we need our faith, and that every day, we need to drop to our knees and look heavenward.  We need to accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.  Each and every day.    

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Love, Love, Laugh

I love this bracelet. 
It is courage, faith, and hope around your wrist. 
Everyone needs that. 
Today and every day, may you be blessed with all three.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Are You Fake?

Yes, there are definitely people out there that irritate me.  I think that if we had traits that were similar, we would all get along with one another.  However, I am thankful that is not the case.  If we were all alike, life would get rather dull.  The people that come along to irritate or challenge us, believe it or not, help us to grow.  They teach us the traits we don't wish to exhibit in our own lives. 

Maturity comes with experience, not necessarily age.  The hills and mountains that we climb have consequences and our actions speak louder than words.  Are we kind when we'd rather not be?  Are we helpful when we have other things that need to get done?  Do we turn the other cheek when we'd rather turn our back?  These are the types of responses that maturity brings. 

Being nice to someone doesn't mean they've earned your respect, it just shows that you can rise above the irritation and  optimistically endure the situation put before you.  You've learned something positive from your experiences and put your best foot forward.  I'm sure that someone, somewhere along the way has done the same for you.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Rejoice in the Moment

Where are you this morning?  Sitting down to enjoy a cup of coffee?  Wrestling with the commuter crowd?  Getting the kids dressed, fed, and out the door?  Perhaps you are already in the office, at the gym, or just rising from your warm bed? 

As for me, I am sitting at my desk writing this blog with a puppy curled up on my lap.  The blinds are open and the sun is shining.  I have what seems a million things to accomplish today but I am enjoying this quiet morning with time to myself. 
Wherever you are at this moment, rejoice.  Be in the moment.  Be happy.  It's a new day with endless possibilities.  Lean back, close your eyes, and savor another sip of whatever you're drinking - chaos can hold off for a just little longer. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Big Brown Eyes

I'm not sure if this "FACT" is true in every case but it is in mine.  I have brown eyes.  I am hyper at times and I love to laugh.  Plus, once you get to know me, I never shut up!  And for my friends, I will walk to the end of the earth for you. 

I spent many a kindergarten recess on my nap mat because I talked my way through nap period.  My teachers complained to my parents that I was a good student but I never shut up!  I guess that from an early age, I just had a lot to say.  It's no wonder I became a writer.  You have to say a lot to fill up the pages of a book.  It's probably a good thing that when my mind is focused and my fingers are dancing on the keyboard, my mouth is not moving!  Ahhh, silence!

In order to either prove or disprove this as a "fact," those of you with brown or green eyes please tell me if you have the personality depicted above?  Are you with me or against me?!  (Not really "against" me but it gave that sentence some secret power lift!)  Again, my mouth is running! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty

Just a reminder that we, the Book Club, are reading The Husband's Secret this month.  It's a great read so be sure to pick up a copy and be ready to discuss on Monday, November 4th!  To help you get your thoughts together, I'll post some discussion questions on Saturday, November 2nd.

I hope you can join us.  Your comments are important.  Thanks and see you then!

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Sinner by Tess Gerritsen - A Book Review

The Sinner is the third book in the Rizzoli and Isles series by Tess Gerritsen.  As you know from previous posts, I love the Rizzoli and Isles television series.  This series is based off of Tess Gerritsen's books.  This is the main reason I am reading her novels.

This story had a multifaceted plot which began with a murder in the Our Lady of Divine Light chapel at the Graystones Abby in the west Boston suburb of Jamaica Plain.  With the white of winter covering the ground, one nun lies on the cold stone floor of the chapel, bludgeoned to dead.  Another is loaded into an ambulance in critical condition. The story builds from there when another body is found in an abandoned restaurant, a bullet through her skull, her hands and feet both missing.  It's not until Gabriel Dean arrives from the FBI with another body, a male found in the truck of a car with a fatal bullet wound to the head, that they begin to assemble the case. 

While Rizzoli and Isles rush to solve the crimes at hand, Maura's ex-husband Victor returns, asking for a second chance.  With the romantic Christmas season rising to its peak all around her, Maura struggles with old memories and emotions she thought she had severed long ago.  Meanwhile, Jane's affair (in the previous novel The Apprentice) with Gabriel Dean has left behind a dilemma as she discovers that she is carrying his child. 

This novel had me sitting on the edge of my seat at times, wondering how the murders were connected and what choices Rizzoli and Isles would make regarding their personal lives.  After rekindling their relationship, will Maura take Victor back?  When Gabriel shows up in the middle of their investigation, again, will Jane garner enough nerve to be honest with him?  Though the television series does not necessarily follow the books, I found The Sinner to be an excellent read that kept me entertained from the first page to the last. 

If you are a fan of Rizzoli and Isles, I recommend you read the book series.  There is a lot more to Jane and Maura than the television series can impart.  

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Pumpkin Patch

What a funny seed I found,
I wondered what would grow?
So I planted it in the ground,
And now I know!
Little leaves were first to sprout,
Growing in a line,
Then golden blossoms opened out
Along the vine.
And then something grew-and grew and grew!
The biggest ever seen!
And now I have a pumpkin-
Just in time for HALLOWEEN!
 -Author Unknown

It's mid-October and pumpkins are everywhere.  Be sure to visit your local pumpkin patch.  It's a great Saturday afternoon outing for the family.  Have a wonderful Autumn day! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

One Kind Word

A word. 
A smile. 
A hug. 

We hold such power in our hands and don't even realize it.  I can remember times in my life where I was holding on by a thin thread, unsure of what was to come.  It's those times when basic human contact was so needed.  I wasn't asking for someone to solve my problems, only to share in a moment of restlessness.  I needed someone to sit with me, walk beside me, acknowledge my existence at a very low moment in my life.  I know I only have to look up to be reminded that Jesus carries me through tough times.  However, you don't always feel His presence.  It's at these times that He works through those around you.  It's why a kind word, a smile, or even a gentle hug is essential. 

Instead of spending time on your cell phone or looking at the ground or people watching from afar, look up when people walk by or sit next to you.  Meet someone's gaze head-on.  Say something kind to the cashier or server.  If you're a hugger, hug someone.  Let God work through you to make a basic human connection.  You truly can change someone's day.  You may even change someone's life and not even know it.  It's humbling to know we have the power to encourage and lighten the burdens carried by those around us.  We all need that human connection whether we realize it or not.           

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Best Advice

If only we could all learn to do this more often.  I know how much better I feel when I let the stress roll off my shoulders.  Too much worry is not good for the body, mind or soul.  Laughter is always the best medicine.  Think about the good times in your life, those times when you were truly happy and laughter came easily.  Now, go forward, into the present and laugh today.  Even when you don't feel you have much to laugh about, do it anyway.  It will make you feel better, stronger, and more alive than you realize.  If you can't think of anything that makes you laugh, let me know.  I'll be happy to share some stories with you!  You'll have tears running down your face in no time. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Piggies in a Pumpkin

You thought I was joking, didn't you?  As Halloween is fast approaching, I couldn't resist posting this picture.  I hope my daughter-in-law doesn't see it, she's already trying to convince my son to get a potbelly pig on top of the six chickens, four rabbits and the dog they already have (in suburban America)!  They want to buy property with additional land.  My son found out that in Florida, if you own six cows, you are only subject to an agricultural tax which is much lower than the typical property tax.  Great - I fear they will soon be raising meat. 

Side Note:  One day while traveling down the highway, we drove by a field of cattle.  My mother asked our grandson what comes from cows.  You can imagine the laughter that erupted when he responded "meat" instead of "milk," as we expected him too.  You never know what is going to come out of that little mouth!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

What Do You Drive?

As for me...

Ha Ha!  I'm sure my boys thought I flew around on one of these when they were growing up, especially when they didn't get their way.  As the Rolling Stones lyrics go, "You can't always get what you want."  That was a common theme song in our house when the boys were growing up.  Actually, I don't believe that my broomstick came out too often. 

If you know the lyrics to that Rolling Stones song, you know there is more:  "You can't always get what you want but if you try sometimes, well you might find you get what you need."  Maybe the boys didn't get everything they wanted but we made sure that had what they needed.  Life was different then, it was not centered around instant gratification.  If the boys wanted something, they worked toward it.  Chores were weekly assignments with extra credit benefits built in.  Some things they earned, some they bought on their own.  It was a fair system and taught them how the outside world worked. 

It doesn't seem to work that way anymore.  The ability to discipline our children has been sorely compromised.  A solid drum battle on my backside hurt my pride but never injured me physically.  It certainly got my attention and made me realize that I didn't want to repeat that bad decision again.  Really, it's terrible that we can't discipline in the same way that we were as children.  It taught us boundaries of which there are too few today.  Without boundaries, we become lost, we make poor choices and unfortunately, the world has to live with those choices. 

I am thankful that my boys were brought up the way that they were. Now that they are parents in the driver's seat, they can pull their broomsticks out of the closet as well.  My grandchildren will grow up with boundaries (boundaries and lot's of love as well).

Monday, October 14, 2013

Bad Habits

I think this picture depicts what I see in the mirror on Monday morning.  My hair is a little too short for the curlers but the rest of it fits.  Why are Monday's always so hard to get into?  Diets always seem to start on Monday.  Carpool switches happen on Monday.  Downshifting from weekend mode to weekday mode is in full swing.  Monday begins the uphill climb, peaking on Wednesday and racing full out for Friday.  If I had to pick a day of the week that was my least favorite, it would definitely be Monday.  And if it's my least favorite, do I really want to address my bad habits today? 

Nah, no-one likes a quitter, especially on Monday. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer awareness month.  Don't take risks.  Be checked by a professional.  Have a mammogram.  It's a simple procedure and it may save your life.  Make an appointment today.  All those special people in your life will thank you for it. 

I thank the Lord every day that my mother's cancer was detected early.  She endured surgery, a year of chemotherapy treatment, and beat it!  She is a survivor.  I know there are millions of other breast cancer survivors like her out there whose families are just as thankful as we are.

Love yourself and take care of your body.  It's the only one you've got. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Colors on Fire

There's nothing as fine
as an autumn day,
with the smell in the air
of fresh mown hay.
Each tree is a wonder
of beauty, untold.
Each leaf brushed with color,
a sight to behold.
There's a nip in the air
-crisp, cool and clear-
to remind us that winter
soon will be here!
But now we have Autumn
the "Show-Off" of seasons!
My favorite by far,
and these are the reasons!
-Author June Kellum
I had to share this.  If there are drawbacks of living in the sunshine state, this would be one - we get oranges in the fall instead of the colorful change of seasons.  

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Eyes Wide Open

If it weren't for the bad things in life, we would take the good things for granted.  Appreciation comes from the ability to decipher good from bad.  It's easy to appreciate the good, but in the long run, we come to value the lessons learned, tragedies overcome, illnesses conquered, or even what or whom we've lost.  It's those times, the tough times in life that we grow the most.  We have to dig down deep to find the strength, hope and faith to carry on, even when we don't feel up to it. 

When those bad things are happening in your life, look up.  You're not alone.  God is there, friends and family are there.  Wrap yourself in the arms of each, they will see you through your darkest hours.  And when you come out on the other side, remember your journey.  Appreciate the ways in which your life changed because of it. 

Open your eyes wide, cherish each moment of your life, the good and the bad.  They are part of your human make-up.  Respect yourself.  Love who you are and share yourself and your history with everyone around you.  You never who your story might affect or even help.  You may have helped countless people already and not even know it.  We're not meant to go through this life alone.  Be honest, be appreciative, and most of all, keep your eyes open.         

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

One Book, Just One Book...

This was me at the bookstore yesterday.  I went in to pick up "The Husband's Secret" for the book club pick and walked out with three books in my bag and a renewed discount card.  For me, it is just not possible to walk out of a bookstore with a single purchase.  It's an addiction for which I prefer not to have an intervention!

I would love it if reading could be a profession.  I'm not talking about writing reviews or sharing opinions or giving speeches, just the pure pleasure of reading day after day.  Our day jobs get in the way of this, not to mention the new television season that just launched.  My DVR stays fifty percent loaded at all times.  I soon as I delete something, I record something else.  It is a vicious circle, my friends. 

If I didn't have a screened-in patio, I'd never go outside.  Just joking - I can't tell you how much running around I do.  Working from home and having an open schedule allows that.  However, there are nights when I work late - much too late.  However, I enjoy the freedom it gives me and wouldn't want to change it. 

Writing is like a drug to me.  It lifts me up, it puts a fire in my belly and makes me happy.  I feel like I'm in control of my life when I'm behind the keyboard.  When I step away from it I have to face things like dead car batteries, a yard that needs to be mowed, a dying dishwasher, and a leaky toilet (all of that is just this week and it's only Wednesday). 

My wish for you is that you find your dream job.  The one that puts fire in your belly.  Do it.  The only regret you'll have is not having the courage to follow it.  That my friend, would be the ultimate tragedy.      

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

"The Husband's Secret" by Liane Moriarty - Book Club Pick

The #1 "New York Times" Bestseller Overview:

"A novel that's perfect for vacation reading." --"People"
"It's a knowing, touching, and entertaining page-turner. What a wonderful writer--smart, wise, funny." --Anne Lamott

""The Husband's Secret" is so good, you won't be able to keep it to yourself." --"USA Today"

"Shocking, complex and thought-provoking, this is a story reading groups will devour.  A knockout. " --Emily Giffin, "New York Times" bestselling author

""The Husband's Secret "is a smart, thoughtful read... a lip-smacking and intelligently written novel." --"Entertainment Weekly"

"For a provocative page-turner, read "The Husband's Secret" by Liane Moriarty." --"Woman's World"

"Brilliant." --Sophia Hannah, international bestselling author of "The Wrong Mother "

At the heart of "The Husband's Secret "is a letter that's not meant to be read...My darling Cecilia, if you're reading this, then I've died...

Imagine that your husband wrote you a letter, to be opened after his death. Imagine, too, that the letter contains his deepest, darkest secret--something with the potential to destroy not just the life you built together, but the lives of others as well. Imagine, then, that you stumble across that letter while your husband is still very much alive. . . .

Cecilia Fitzpatrick has achieved it all--she's an incredibly successful businesswoman, a pillar of her small community, and a devoted wife and mother. Her life is as orderly and spotless as her home. But that letter is about to change everything, and not just for her: Rachel and Tess barely know Cecilia--or each other--but they too are about to feel the earth-shattering repercussions of her husband's secret.

Acclaimed author Liane Moriarty has written a gripping, thought-provoking novel about how well it is really possible to know our spouses--and, ultimately, ourselves.

This novel looks to be engrossing and fun.  Grab a copy of "The Husband's Secret" by Liane Moriarty and join us for a discussion on Monday, November 4th. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Girls From Ames by Jeffrey Zaslow - A Book Club Discussion

Meet the Girls from Ames:        
Top row: Karla, Cathy, Sally, Karen
Middle row: Jane, Angela, Marilyn
Bottom row: Diana, Jenny, Kelly
I have to admit that The Girls From Ames took me longer than normal to read.  I believe that is due to it being a non-fiction book.  Fiction tells a story, stays on point, and moves toward a specific end.  Non-fiction doesn't work that way.  This story of eleven girls (Sheila is not pictured above) is a telling of how the years have woven each of their lives into a tapestry of friendship filled with support, hope, and unconditional love.  It is ongoing to this day - there is no justifiable ending.
I'm not going to spend my time breaking down the lives of each woman.  You will have to read the book in order to know them better.  However, I am going to tell you that this is an extraordinary story about friendship.  It tells of the good times and the bad.  It speaks of beginning friendships, of how these girls came to be part of this group, and how they managed to hang onto it through high school, college, careers, marriages, children, divorce, and yes, even death. 
The women in this story are my age and I lived their stories with them because I faced some of the same types of things with my friends in high school and beyond.  I can't say that my youthful friendships evolved as their did.  I have had friends through each stage of my life but at this time, I am not particularly close to any of those from my younger years.  Though we have reconnected after many years on Facebook, this book made me wish that I had kept up those friendships. 
To have the same people around you who grew up with you, knew your early secrets, your triumphs,  your most embarrassing moments, is truly special indeed.  I have women in my life whom I care deeply about and have walked with me through a season (or several).  They have been there for me when I needed support or someone to laugh or cry with.  I am not saying that these friendships don't measure up, they certainly do.  But there is something extra special about keeping a childhood friendship alive throughout your lifetime. 
This book gives statistics about the importance of unconditional friendships and how they actually help women to live longer lives.  Husbands, marriages, and children are worth having and fighting for, but female friends bring something different to the table.  They offer a safe place to vent, to bring understanding through shared experience, and support on an entirely different level.  You may not always agree with your girlfriends, but friendships such as these offer other minds and hearts to bounce real life situations off of.  It's like having a built-in safety net (and we all need that). 
Long term friendships are important.  We all really do need them.  So look around you today and celebrate the women you have in your life.  If you don't have enough friends, make more.  They will become ever more precious as we grow older.  There will come a time when those friendships become our lifelines.  I want to sit on my porch swing later in life (blue haired and wrinkled) and celebrate with my friends the lives we've succeeded in living.  We will laugh and cry and probably even have to slide on a pair of Depends, but that's okay with me!   Jeffrey Zaslow did a great job sharing the eleven girls from Ames who grew into wonderful women even though scattered across the county.  I highly recommend reading this book.
(Before answering any of the discussion questions posted last week, I want to see if someone who read the book would be willing to post their thoughts as a "comment" on today's blog.  If we get some discussion going, I will be happy to share my answers.  Otherwise, I just feel like I'm talking to myself.)   - Thanks!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Summing Up Relationships

The letter below was written by Bob Marley.  I don't know if this is a copy of the original letter he wrote or just the original words but they are worth reading, comprehending, and following.  It's great advice for relationships.  In the past, I have been guilty of trying to change people to fit my wants and expectations.  That should have been the first clue that the relationship was doomed for failure. 

Pass this on to your children, friends, co-workers, and family members that are searching for a relationship partner.  It's a lesson not only for women but for men too.  No one is perfect but there is one perfect person out there for all of us.  You only need to find them!

Friday, October 4, 2013


I don't know about you, but I needed to start my day off with a laugh!  Laugher is good for the body, the spirit, and the soul.  I feel that we can all use more of it in our daily lives.  I realize that our cheeks and bellies can't ache every day resulting from laughter but I'm going to give it a whirl, what do I have to lose? 
So join me - laugh, laugh hard.  This world certainly needs a lot more it.  It won't solve the world's problems but it can certainly help us face them with a better attitude.  Have a great Friday!   

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Thriller Genre Loses a Strong, Popular Voice

Tom Clancy Dies, Left 'Indelible Mark' On Thriller Genre

by Lynn Neary

Best-selling author Tom Clancy has died. He was 66 years old. Beginning with the publication of his 1984 megahit The Hunt for Red October, Clancy wrote a string of blockbuster thrillers inspired by his fascination with military hardware and history.

Clancy didn't mince words when he talked to would-be writers. "If your objective is to write a book, get a computer and write the damn book," he told members of the military at a 2004 writing workshop. "Yes, you can do this if you try hard enough. It's a lot easier than you realize it is."

Clancy was speaking from experience. He wrote Red October in his spare time while he was still in the insurance business. After it was turned down by major publishing houses, he took the manuscript to the Naval Institute Press, which had never published fiction before. Fred Rainbow had worked with Clancy on a couple of pieces for the institute's magazine, Proceedings.

"He went from [being] a person with very thick glasses and an insurance agent to a rock star," Rainbow says. Red October rose quickly to the top of the best-seller list and was Clancy's first book to be made into a film — it was a tense Cold War drama with the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. vying to gain control of a runaway Soviet submarine.

After the book and film came out, Rainbow says, Clancy had a big fan in the White House. "He became what I would call a pet rock of President Reagan," Rainbow recalls. "[Reagan] loved to have him over for dinners, because it was the great American dream — an insurance agent, best-selling novelist ... this was Ronald Reagan's delight, so he opened a lot of doors to Tom Clancy from that point on."

Clancy went on to build an empire. Among his best-selling books, Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger and The Sum of all Fears were turned into movies featuring major stars. Jack Ryan, first introduced in Red October, became a recurring character in Clancy's stories of military maneuvers and clandestine operations.

"I think what makes Tom Clancy is that people cared about Jack Ryan," says thriller writer Brad Meltzer. "He gave America a character that represented America right back at them. They saw this character that was like us; they saw someone who was terrified about the Cold War but wanted to do something about it."

Meltzer adds that Clancy has left an indelible mark on the thriller genre. "I in my books write thrillers that are full of government secrets, that are researched with people at the highest levels of that government," he says. "I wish I invented that genre. I didn't. Tom Clancy did."

And Clancy never stopped. His next book, Command Authority — starring Jack Ryan — is due out in December.


For me, 66 is far too young.  Tom, we thank you for all your contributions to the writing world.  Your thrillers ignited us and drew us into the box office.  You will be missed.  Rest in peace.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mothers vs. Fathers

I love this!!!

I had to laugh when I saw it.  Is this picture not the truth?  Moms nurture and dads rough-house.  Teaching our children both is a good thing.  It balances us out.  Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

An Autumn Greeting