Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Getting To Know You

I thought it might be fun to change things up today and ask (and answer) some thought evoking questions.  Please answer as many questions about yourself as you are willing to share and post them via the comments section below.  I would love to hear your answers as I share with you my own!

1.        What is your favorite smell? 

A:  My man’s shirt after he has worn it (unless he’s been working in the yard or on the car).  There is something special about a man's scent.  I'm sure there is some scientific explanation for this. 

2.       If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?

A:  My mother.  She is beautiful, compassionate, funny, smart, tough as nails when she needs to be, and loves with all her heart.  She is my mother, my mentor,  and my best friend.

3.       What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

A:  Cleaning the Bathroom (need I say more?).

4.        If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?

A:  When I was young, I wanted to be Jennifer.  In my adulthood, I don’t have a preference.  I can choose any name I like when building the characters for my novels so it changes all the time.

5.       If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

A:  Scream.  Dance.  Cry.  Find a lawyer.  (In that order.)

6.       What was the last movie, TV show or book that made you cry or tear up?

A:  The Mountain Between Us by Charles Martin, last month’s book club pick.

7.       What is your favorite form of exercise?

A:  I enjoy such things as walking, swimming, and biking.  However, if I was to be honest, my favorite exercise would be dancing.  You know – the kind you do when no one else is around?  The crazy, let your hair down, jump on the furniture type of dancing.

8.       What was your first record, tape, cd, or iPod download?

A:  Mine would have been a vinyl copy of Puppy Love by Donnie Osmond.  (Loved those purple socks!)

9.       If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

A:  Sign Language.  I bought a book on the subject, I just haven’t begun to study the craft.

10.   Is a picture worth a thousand words?  Elaborate.

A:  Yes.  For me, it takes more than a thousand words to build that picture in my mind or on the page.  And when finished, that picture is worth every one.

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