Monday, September 16, 2013

Attention to Detail


What is so difficult about completing a job, any job, to the best of your ability?  Have we become a society that is so indifferent and lackadaisical that we just don’t care about anyone or anything else?  I have to admit that there are tasks that I dislike and would rather not do myself, but I accomplish them, and most of the time with a smile on my face. 
Integrity is all we have.  It is the core of who we are as a person.  It is the fundamental heart we display to the world.  What do you want the world to see; someone who cares about their surroundings and accomplishments, no matter how small, or someone who is reckless and can’t be bothered?  Are you someone who will take the time to do things right or someone who carelessly slaps a few things together and calls the job done?

For me, I want to display the person I am at the core; a thoughtful, considerate, compassionate person who is kind, attentive, and loyal.  I care about my actions, whether anyone can see what I am doing or not.  I know the difference between right and wrong and I strive to do the right thing, every time, no matter how big or small the project.   
How about you?  What kind of person are you at the core?  Hopefully you would have addressed the corn/watermelon situation above.  I know that I would have.  I wouldn’t have been able to walk away until the correct label was properly affixed to each package and the problem was solved.  For such a simple mistake, it speaks volumes as to the person responsible for it.  Again, what kind of person are you at the core?  What does the world perceive from your daily actions?  And even more importantly, can you live honorably with those perceptions?        

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