Saturday, June 8, 2013

In the Blink of an Eye

Somehow, the older we get, the faster the time flies.  Blink and a decade or more has gone by.  The statement “life is short” is no laughing matter.  It is.  You can’t stop it, not matter how hard you may try.

So, today, I ask you to look at life differently.  Think “youthful” thoughts.  Remember the days where time and energy abounded before life and all its entanglements and got in the way.  Run through the neighborhood with careless abandon; use your imagination to take you far away from reality.  We only get one shot at life so even though it may close in upon us at times, take a moment to rejoice in those carefree days when expectations of your time were far less complicated. 
Smile, laugh, and enjoy the memories of the life that led you to where you are.  Cherish those memories as they are an important part of each of us, and share them with those around you.  Only you can keep them alive.  I wish you a wonderful day. 

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