Saturday, June 29, 2013

A Bridge to Anywhere

As I look at the bridge below, my mind wonders what could be on the other side.


·         A flowery meadow, perfect for a romantic summer picnic, 

·         A lake, clear and clean, ready for swimming,

·         A field, a farmer’s dream, stalks growing golden brown in the warmth of the sun,

·         A pot of gold resting at the tail end of a rainbow,

·         A little picturesque cabin, painstakingly built by human hands,

·         A buck, doe, and their offspring, enjoying their morning breakfast.

There could be anything waiting on the other side of this bridge.  What do you picture yourself finding there? 
Use your imagination and have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, June 28, 2013


I know that most of you were expecting the Friday reference to the above heading.  However, today I’m giving it a different spin and putting God first.  Actually, I (we) should do this every day.  We should be thankful and grateful.  Though the human element tips the planet off its axis, God keeps it balanced and turning at the precise speed to keep it properly aligned in space.  He keeps the sun the exact distance to keep us warm but not burned into oblivion.  He keeps the waters flowing, the plants growing, gives us the air we breathe and salvation through the cross. 
Yes, today, I’ll be putting God first.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Puppy Dreams


I wonder what these pups are dreaming about.  Do they dream in color?  Do they dream they’re falling?  Do they dream of romance or burying bones in the back yard?  Do they dream of puppy treats or car rides?  Whatever they dream of, it can’t be as cute as they are while dreaming it!
If this picture didn’t put a smile on your face, you must be having a tough week. 

Hang in there, it’s almost Friday!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

As the World Turns

Do you ever feel like this; too many things to do and not enough time to get it all done?  For me, this picture is perfect; too many words to write, too many books to read.  At times, it is easy to feel like the little girl in this picture, though I haven’t worn pigtails in a very long time!
Life has a way of making one feel overwhelmed at times.  Probably more often than we’d like it to.  We make lists and check off our progress, plan to tackle one thing only to have something else take its place.  Inevitably, there are a million little distractions, interruptions, commotions, disruptions, or interferences that erupt to steal our time and attention. 

I tend to think that without these disturbances, we might get bored.  On the other hand, we could probably finish our “To Do List” in a normal amount of time.  But again, finishing that list day after day, week after week, would be blasé.  At that point, I would be climbing the walls, looking for a distraction.
Aren’t we, as human beings, confusing?  We have things one way and we want them another.  Does that stem from a world of instant gratification that we live in?  I personally, would love to world to go back to days where families lived on their front porches.  Yes, a world of rotary phones, one television set per household with only a handful of channels, typewriters (okay – as I writer, I would miss my laptop and spellcheck).  Neighbors who walked across the street in order to hold a face-to-face conversation;  neighborhoods that came together while their kids played in the streets without fear of being run over or abducted.  It seemed a time when life was unhurried and so much simpler. 

Maybe I was born in the wrong era?  Or maybe I just feel that we rely too heavily on the trappings of the digital age.  Whatever happened to working toward something; the joy that enveloped you when you were finally able to buy that item of focus because you put some skin in the game and worked hard to get it?  We certainly don’t appreciate things or people the way we used to, the way we should.  I can’t help but wonder what the world will be like when my four year old grandchildren become adults.  I believe that their lives will be much more difficult than mine and that makes me very sad.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Careful or you’ll end up in my novel…

My mother gave me this pillow for my birthday one year.  I proudly display it in my living room so that anyone who visits can see it.  Some guests laugh while others chuckle nervously.  There are some that volunteer information and others that I never see again (just kidding – however, if that ever did happen, be assured that I would track them down to get their story). 
Once upon a time…oh, these words give such a sense of freedom.  Anything can be imagined and brought to life or retold, usually with embellishments.  The creation of characters is one of the most exciting parts of the craft for me.  You begin with a blank slate and soon, you have a picture of your character, physically, and then build on their mental and emotional qualities.  Before long, you come to know your characters intimately.  Not all of their features make it onto the page but a good deal does.  Getting you, the reader, to see and understand them the way we, the writers, prefer is the challenge.  You will probably never know our characters as well as we do but you can appreciate them and that is a good thing.

When you pick up a book, know that the pages inside are filled with love and intent.  Some characters aren’t loveable, even to the writer, but we know them well and our intention is to bring tension to the story with their presence.  There has to be some dissention for the hero and/or heroine to face or the story doesn’t flow well and fails to keep your interest from cover to cover.  That is the idea – creating characters that when woven into the plot, stay with you long after the last page is consumed.
If you have any stories you’d like to share please share them.  You never know, you might just end up in one of my novels!                 

Monday, June 24, 2013

A Little Monday Humor

Yes, the weekend is over and it's time now to get back to the call of business.  My fingers are flying over the keyboard, trying to keep up with the numerous thoughts in my head.  There are days when my brain works much faster than my fingers and editing becomes a challenge.  My hope is that today is a productive day.

My local Books-A-Million had a huge one-day sale on Saturday.  Rest assured that I was there, reaping the benefits.  I brought seven new books home which I will share with you in good time.  I am currently reading "The Step-Mother's Support Group" by Sam Baker (a female author from the UK).  I find it interesting, the differences in writing style between European and American authors.  They aren't enough to bother me, with the exception of the "Fifty Shades" trilogy by E.L. James.  (My unfavorable opinion on this series is fodder for another day.)  So far, I am enjoying Sam Baker's book and will give a quick review here once I've finished the story.

For now, it's back to work.  The first book of my upcoming trilogy is burning a hole in my head (I hope it's not noticeable).  My hope is to have the rough draft finished by the end of July.  I an hoping that by posting that here, you will hold me accountable.

Enjoy your day!        

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Today is the Day

Yes, it’s Saturday, a brand new day, the second day of summer, the sun is out, and the sky is blue.  How are you going to spend it? 

  • Is today the day you finish up an outdoor project, spring clean, load the kids in the car and head out for a day of fun? 

  • Is today the day you start a new project, plant something, pick up a new book, or enjoy a lunch out?

  • Is today the day you have a big backyard picnic enjoying food and games and fellowship with friends and family?

  • Is today the day you look up toward the sky and say “thank you” to our maker for the life you are living?

  • Is today the day you decide to make needed changes in your life?

Whatever is on your agenda today, I hope that you are blessed by the outcome, and that joy and laughter abound, that your decisions are positive, and you are surrounded by loved ones. 
Today, may your sky be blue, your dreams big, and your worries small.

Friday, June 21, 2013

It's Officially Summer - Beware of the Sun

Welcome to summertime!  I hope 2013 is your best summer yet!

Just a little reminder though from someone who was diagnosed with Melanoma in October, 2010, to be sure to wear sunscreen, and apply it often.  Though the sun is a beautiful thing, it came be harmful, even a killer,  I was told that my tumors were evidence of too much sun exposure in my youth - yes some thirty-plus years ago.  I was lucky as the disease had not yet gained access to my lymph system.  Had it done so, there is no chemotherapy designed to attack this type of cancer.

If you see pictures of Melanoma, it is usually a dark brown or black spot on your skin (very ugly) and it would be obvious that you would need to see a dermatologist.  However, mine was pink.  It looked like an eraser on the top of a pencil.  I had it for over a year before I made the decision to have it checked.  When I had the biopsy done, the doctor wasn't too alarmed...until the results came back a few days later.  I met with a surgeon the next day and a week later, two good-sized tumors were removed from my left forearm.  Again, I was very lucky.

So please, enjoy all the outdoor activities that summer has to offer but be sure to wear sunscreen.  I would hate for you to go through what I did, or worse.     

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Hunger Games Trilogy

After reading Gone Girl, I needed a change of pace so I picked up The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.  I know there has been a good amount of controversy over this young adult trilogy because of content, but in reality, that just gives the books that much more market attention.

“Happy Hunger Games.  And may the odds be ever in your favor.”

I know that this trilogy has been out for a while and the first movie, The Hunger Games, was aired last fall.  I did see it without having read the book.  The second movie, Catching Fire, is due out in November of this year.  I have to admit that I’ve had this trilogy sitting on my bookshelf for months.  Now that I’ve begun reading it, I wish I had done so sooner.  The Hunger Games was riveting.  Catching Fire keeps the story moving at a fast pace (I read both in a matter of a few days), and now I am reading the final book, Mockingjay.  This book is taking longer to read.  I’m not sure what the struggle is, I feel like I’m on an old backwoods country road driving up and down hill after hill after hill.  However, I will push through and finish the book (I just reached part three, the finale) before making any assumptions or giving an opinion.

I know without a doubt, my behind will be sitting in a theater seat in November when Catching Fire hits the big screen which also means that I will view Mockingjay when it debuts. 

If you’ve read this trilogy, let me know what you thought of it, especially Mockingjay.  I will post a comment here after I’ve finished it to let you know my final thoughts.   

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

My lovely mother and a friend from Kansas told me I had to read this book, that I wouldn’t be able to put it down.  Boy-howdy, were they right, and not for the reasons I thought.  I can’t say much about the plot because it will spoil the story for those of you who haven’t yet read it.  I can say that this is the story of Nick and Amy Dunne, and their relationship as it reaches their fifth anniversary and something goes terribly, horribly wrong.  This book left me frustrated to say the least and because of that, I kept my nose in it until I’d consumed all the pages. 

For those of you that have read it and want to share your thoughts on this story, please leave your comments.   I would love to hear them. 
For those that haven’t read it, please do so before coming back to this post.  If comments are left, I don’t want to spoil the fun. 

I look forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Childhood Prayers

I remember as child, kneeling next to my bed and praying that longstanding childhood prayer:
Now I lay me down to sleep;
I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake.
I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to take;
And this I ask for Jesus' sake. Amen.
I am sure the little boy below is praying that prayer or something like it, but what about the dog?  What is he praying for – more treats, a doggie door, belly rubs, playing ball in the yard, or a nice long walk?  What exactly do dogs pray for?  Whatever they are, I hope their prayers are granted. 

 May all of your prayers be granted too.  Have a blessed Tuesday. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Here's My Heart

At church yesterday, we worshiped by singing this contemporary song by the David Crowder Band.  Because it brought tears to my eyes, I wanted to share it with each of you.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!


 He never looks for praises
He's never one to boast
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most
His dreams are seldom spoken
His wants are very few
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken too
He's there.... A firm foundation
Through all our storms of life
A sturdy hand to hold to
In times of stress and strife
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad.
(© Karen K. Boyer)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

A Father's Day Prayer

Let us praise those fathers who have striven to balance the demands of work, marriage, and children with an honest awareness of both joy and sacrifice. Let us praise those fathers who, lacking a good model for a father, have worked to become a good father.

Let us praise those fathers who by their own account were not always there for their children, but who continue to offer those children, now grown, their love and support. Let us pray for those fathers who have been wounded by the neglect and hostility of their children.

Let us praise those fathers who, despite divorce, have remained in their children's lives. Let us praise those fathers whose children are adopted, and whose love and support has offered healing.
Let us praise those fathers who, as stepfathers, freely choose the obligation of fatherhood and earned their step children's love and respect. Let us praise those fathers who have lost a child to death, and continue to hold the child in their heart.

Let us praise those men who have no children, but cherish the next generation as if they were their own.
Let us praise those men who have "fathered" us in their role as mentors and guides.
Let us praise those men who are about to become fathers; may they openly delight in their children.

And let us praise those fathers who have died, but live on in our memory and whose love continues to nurture us.
(Kirk Loadman, Author)

Friday, June 14, 2013

That Four Letter Word - DIET

Calories are not our best friend, yet we’ve grown up with them our entire lives.  Carrot stick or candy bar?  Our mood is mostly likely the deciding factor when answering that question.  Some people, and I have to applaud you, don’t seem to have trouble eating the right foods or packing on few unwanted pounds.  Others, like me, have struggled with doing so.  I don’t know how many mountains I’ve successfully walked up only to come down and have to start all over again! 

Losing the same pounds over and over and over again should probably be considered counterproductive.  However, I’ve never met a calorie I didn’t like!  The problem is that you string too many of them together and mountain, here I come, again.  Treating food like a hostile and not a friend is hard.  You have to have the right mindset and dedication to combat it.
I think most of the problem is that we like food.  We have huge grocery stores dedicated to our food addictions.  You can behave and fill your cart with healthy items, or you can leave the healthy options out altogether.  I’ve found though, while shopping, I prefer to wear clothing the fits properly in lieu of a sweat suit.  Trust me, I’ve worn the latter and it didn’t make me feel good doing so. (I've included a sweat suit scene in the first chapter of my book, The Chicken Club.  Renee Morgan didn't like it so much either.) 

These days, I’m more under control and my eating habits have become much more sensible, my choices healthier, and so is that little number on the scale.  I can’t say that there aren’t days though, when I want to and eventually do give in to temptation.  For those of you struggling, just remember that we’ve all been there at one time or another and most of us continue to struggle.  There are good days and bad days.  You’re not alone.  There is a whole industry out here to help you and if you can’t afford to pay for help, find a spouse or friend willing to walk with you and hold you accountable.  It’s much easier than doing it alone.
Good luck!


Thursday, June 13, 2013

198 Days!!!

I received this post on Facebook yesterday: 

Are you kidding me?  Is this meant as a stress inducer?  I don’t need any extra pressure, thank you very much.
And then I remembered that Christmas is not about shopping and cards and parties and presents.  Yes, I enjoy doing those things to add to the celebration, but the real reason for the season is to honor and celebrate the birthday of our Lord, Jesus Christ, with family and friends, neighbors and strangers.  When I keep the true meaning of Christmas in focus, I don’t stress out.  I bake and decorate and sing songs of celebration.  I spend quality time with family and friends and reach out to help those in need.  Actually, I enjoy the season for all the right reasons.
So, if you got this post on your Facebook wall, don’t stress.  Just smile as you remember the true meaning of Christmas and how you intend to relax and celebrate the true reason for the season.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Young Love

I had to laugh when I saw this picture.  Do you remember having those long, late night conversations where you just keep talking so you didn’t have to say good-bye?  It’s been a while since I’ve had one of these conversations but I still remember the adrenaline rush.  I should have been tired the following day but instead, felt like I was walking on sunshine.  Ah, young love.  Is there anything more simple (or complicated)?  The diary posts, the giggling with your friends, or the excruciating excitement that comes when you’re waiting to see that person again.  The emotions that jumped out of your chest because of a simple smile or touch were amazing and frightening at the same time.  (At least they were for me.)        
I hope you got a chuckle out of the picture and that it brings back happy memories for you!  Have a great day.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Myth: Bookstores Are Dying

Fact:  No, they are not.  For four years running, there are more brick-and-mortar bookstores than the previous year (which does not include online bookstores).

I read an article this morning that said that New York Times Bestselling Author James Patterson is speaking out with a major ad campaign asking governments to bail out bookstores because they are dying.  Unfortunately for Patterson and many other authors who have gained top honors and a pedestal in the publishing world are seeing a decline in book sales and monetary advances.  This is not due to dying bookstores but to a change in the publishing industry as a whole.
The large publishing houses are struggling to compete with indie and online publishing companies.  No longer are books printed in bulk, ordered by bookstores and other outlets in bulk, and returned (sometimes 50% of the orders) to the publisher as unsold product.  While the store retained credit for the returned purchases, it was a wasteful way of doing business.

Today, most brick-and-mortar stores have a computer controlled inventory system that allows for them to stock only a few books of a given author at any one time.  This allows for more shelf space to house a variety of books from many authors, as well as the ability to quickly replace those sold through a print-on-demand delivery system.  There is no need to stock hundreds of copies of a book title because they can get more copies of that book in just a few days.
This is great news for me, an indie writer.  I no longer have to send out hundreds of query letters to agents and publishers, only to be rejected, sometimes quite rudely, or ignored completely.  The small publishing houses which offer the print-on-demand option works perfectly for me.  I have to beat the pavement to sell myself and my abilities as a storyteller, but I can do that.  It takes time and effort, but this is my dream we’re talking about and I will fight to keep it alive.

I am very happy that writers like me are cutting into the profits of the big traditional publishers and the New York Times bestselling authors.  There are many big names in the business and I enjoy reading their work, most of the time.  However, there are author’s out there that can write every bit as well as the big names, who are struggling to find an audience and to build a fan base.  These voices have every right to be heard.  I thank print-on-demand publishers for giving us that opportunity.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Though some friendships last only a moment and others last forever, love them for who they are and what they bring to your life.  We need friends along our earthly walk to support and defend us when necessary, to love, laugh and celebrate with us at every opportunity, offers a hand to hold or shoulder to cry on when the need arises, and who holds us accountable and talks us off the ledge or bops us in the head when we loose our cool.  Today let your friends know how important they are to you.  If possible, give them a hug.  No matter what, tell them you love them!

P.S.  See the post below for our exciting book sale happening this week!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Oh Yes - It's a Book Sale!!!

If you would like a signed copy of one of my novels, they will be on sale from Sunday June 9th - Saturday, June 15th (paperbacks/$7.50; hardcovers/$12.50) at our online webstore.  Click on the link below to place an order.

Sticks & Stones (9/2012 release)

Could love or something utterly more frightening be waiting for Abby Warren upon her return? The small town of Mills Pond, Kansas is home to Chad Austin, her secret high school crush. It's also home to Chad's younger brother Chase who is her sworn enemy. When Abby's father is involved in a terrible accident, she is asked to come back to help with the family business. Ten years is a long time to stay away. Feeling some accountability toward the request, Abby reluctantly leaves the security of her life in St. Louis. Unable to off-load Brewtus, her neighbor's cantankerous orange tabby whom she is cat sitting, the two misfits travel to Mills Pond. Abby's arrival brings joy to her mother, a tense reunion with her father, a romantic challenge with her old closet-flame Chad, and a major threat to someone with a past they intend to keep buried. As her troubled past begins to surface anew, will Abby be able to unearth the truth behind the horrible instance that forever changed her life?

The Right Thing (10/2011 release)

Sara Gilmore's devotion to her marriage is about to end.  After twenty years, her husband David announces his intent to leave her and their teenage son, Trevor.  Adding fuel to the fire, he claims to have singlehandedly worked out the details of their divorce.  Discouraged and grieving, Sara travels from Houston to her sister's home in Denver, where she encounters an instant spark with Jake Spencer.  And though she is free to foster a new romance with Jake, things grow complicated when David is diagnosed with a devastating disease.  Despite her animosity toward him, Sara unearths great compassion for David when she learns there will be only strangers to care for him through the illness.  Against the wishes of her son, and regardless of the fact that she will lose Jake, she takes David in and sees that he is given the best possible care.  Aspiring only for a father-son relationship to ensue, turmoil commences.  When things begin to unravel, Sara learns that hope and forgiveness have a way of transforming people and love lives on regardless of the circumstance.

The Chicken Club (4/2011 release)

Renee Morgan and Angela Marie Delveccio, two post-divorce women, single parents, and best friends, are taking a stand.  No longer willing to slide through life, they're determined to shake things up.  Accepting how far they've come will be an eye-opening experience.  Facing full-figured bodies and dulled, lackluster features is only the beginning.  Those things are easy to fix.  It's the deeper issues that need the most work.  Starting with a celebratory fat dance, these women learn to reinvent their lives.  Mayhem ensues when they venture into the dating world and find less-than-stellar results which force more realistic goals.  Through their daily journey, Renee and Angela discover they don't need successful romantic relationships to achieve happiness.  With the combined strength of their alliance and a group of compassionate girlfriends they've aptly named the Chicken Club, they find that this delightful group will band together to take on the world, one problem at a time.  And sometimes learning to love oneself is the hardest lesson of all.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

In the Blink of an Eye

Somehow, the older we get, the faster the time flies.  Blink and a decade or more has gone by.  The statement “life is short” is no laughing matter.  It is.  You can’t stop it, not matter how hard you may try.

So, today, I ask you to look at life differently.  Think “youthful” thoughts.  Remember the days where time and energy abounded before life and all its entanglements and got in the way.  Run through the neighborhood with careless abandon; use your imagination to take you far away from reality.  We only get one shot at life so even though it may close in upon us at times, take a moment to rejoice in those carefree days when expectations of your time were far less complicated. 
Smile, laugh, and enjoy the memories of the life that led you to where you are.  Cherish those memories as they are an important part of each of us, and share them with those around you.  Only you can keep them alive.  I wish you a wonderful day. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

To Our Nation’s Teachers

Its graduation time across the country; kindergarten to first grade, elementary school to middle school, middle school to high school, high school to college, college and beyond.  As a professional who is an important leader in the lives of our children, who gives unselfishly of their time and talent, knowledge and patience, thank you.  The following is for you:

Think of the teachers who challenged your mind.

Enlightening, eye-opening.

Amazing and kind.

Creating a class filled with care and concern,

Helping their students to happily learn.

Educators of children, now your knowledge impart,

Rejoice in the journey with vision and heart.
(Copyrighted by Poetic Creations)
I wish I could give you a monetary raise instead of simple praise.  Regardless, relax and enjoy your summer off!



Thursday, June 6, 2013

Batten Down the Hatches!

Tropical Storm Andrea began rolling over us last night.  A lot of rain and wind moved through, it’s heaviest around four-thirty this morning.  I love sleeping to the sound of falling rain or non-severe thunderstorms.  However, our pup Biscuit does not.  He was pacing to the sound of the rain before we went to bed and again, at its most intense during the night.  Poor pup.  Thank goodness the pet store told us about some chews that have a calming ingredient added.  We definitely whipped those out last night!  It will be a tense afternoon as we have the second wave rolling through; more puppy pacing and whining for sure. 

This is our first real storm that’s gone by since our move to Florida last summer.  They say this may be a bigger hurricane season that they’ve had in a while.  (We traded tornadoes for hurricanes.)  We are ready through, we’ve done our due diligence:
      ·         Canned and easy to fix meals stored in the pantry.  Check.

·         Flats of bottled water.  Check.

·         Additional puppy supplies in hand.  Check

·         Flashlights gathered together.  Check.

·         Extra batteries.  Check.

·         Propane for the grill.  Check.

·         Generator tested.  Check.

I think we’re as ready as we can be.  Mother Nature, bring it on!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Disco Fever!

Ah, all those dreamy-eyed girls ogling John Travolta in that tight white suit.  Saturday Night Fever ignited the movie screens in 1977.   (I’m dating myself but I was only 13 at the time and not allowed to watch it.)  However, I remember the suit and the whispers from the older giggly girls who couldn’t get enough of the handsome bad boy.


My memories of this time consist of our new roller skating rink that had a big disco ball hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the large skating floor.  I spent many a Friday night with those mini wheeled boots tied to my feet.  Do you remember:

·         Fly Robin Fly – It’s an All Skate

·         Heaven Must Have Sent You – Couples Skate

·         Boogie Nights  – All Boy’s Skate

·         I Will Survive – All Girl’s Skate

·         Y.M.C.A.  – It’s an All Skate

·         Boogie Oogie Oogie  – Backward Skate

·         Best of My Love – Couples Skate

·         Rock the Boat – Switch! (Forward/Backward Skate)

·         Boogie Wonderland  – It’s an All Skate

Oh yes!  I can feel the bruises forming on my butt and knees even now!  Those were the days!  I think I’ll go pull a disco CD out of our collection to be-bop around the house this morning.  I’ll be singing…Ring my Bell…all day long!  Thanks Anita Ward.  (My husband may even let me set up the disco ball he uses for his DJ gigs!  Sweet!!! 
Have a groovy day!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

No Soliciting!

There is nothing worse than someone ringing your doorbell wanting to sell you something you don’t need or want.  And usually at the most inopportune times, like:

·         Just getting settled onto the porcelain commode, reading material in hand;

·         Having just begun mixing fresh eggs into your family meatloaf recipe by hand;

·         The kids having finally given in, after an hour and a half, to nap time;

·         Your one daytime soap has just come on following yesterday’s cliffhanger;

·         You’ve just turned off the shower tap; or

·         Your spouse came home to surprise you with a “quickie” lunch!

·         (Add your own worst scenarios here.)

For such occasions, I found the perfect sign I want to put in my front yard.  Are you with me?!

Monday, June 3, 2013

It’s a Sunflower State (of Mind)

The sunflower, known all over the world, is the state flower of Kansas.  I know this because I had to remember it for tests all the way through elementary school.  For some reason, those elementary school teachers think that you should know all the pertinent details of your own state better than any other.  Apologies go out for those kids whose parents moved around a lot.

The sunflower is a big flower named after its large yellow head.  Van Gogh actually did a painting series on this bright, healthy flower – yeah, I found that surprising too!  Actually, it’s a plant more than a flower and mass produced for its seed and oil – both very tasty.  However, its many values are not the reason for this post.  I am sharing this because my neighbor, my Florida neighbor, has sunflowers in her backyard.  What?!! 

Florida is home to palm trees, caladium, and agave plants.  The state flower of Florida is the orange blossom.  Don’t sunflowers need seasons; the extreme summer heat followed by excessive winter cold?  Isn’t that what makes them grow into fields full of mini suns, their faces directed upward as they bask in the glorious heat of that large burning ball we call the sun? 

Orange blossoms don’t grow in Kansas so why should sunflowers grow in Florida?  Looking out my back door and seeing them thriving in my neighbor’s backyard almost feels like thievery.  They are Kansas gold for goodness sake.

I guess in the long run, it doesn’t matter.  I can’t turn her into the crop police and she might turn me in if I try to remove them from her yard!  So, I get to see a little reminder of my roots every time I look into her backyard.  Maybe that’s not such a bad thing.  I do have lots of good memories from the sunflower state.  I guess in hindsight, I’ll take them as a reminder from where I’ve come from and appreciate more, where I am now.


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Strength in Numbers

For the third time in only a handful of days, Oklahoma has been battered with tornatic storms and now terrible flooding.  The latest batch last night surged its way from Oklahoma through Missouri, hitting the St. Louis area before continuing into Illinois.  I have both friends and family in these areas and have been praying for them and everyone else who has been affected by these damaging storms. 

Watching the media coverage from afar has been surreal.  These communities will come together to cope and rebuild, while the nation stands on the sidelines offering its time, money, prayer, and hope.  Unfortunately, most of us on the sidelines will move on as soon as the media coverage deceases and something else fills the headlines, leaving the affected communities to cope on their own. 
Why is this?  As a country, why does it take a catastrophe to garner compassion and an urgency to help one another?  In a week or two when the headlines cease prime time focus, we will lose interest, become self-centered once again, and move on.  Why does it take a disaster for us to truly care about people who reside outside our daily circles? 

I desperately want to say that I’m a person who willingly steps beyond me to help when the need is fresh and in the limelight.  However, when the pictures fade from the television screen and it takes mental and physical effort on my part to keep that need alive, I fail.  My life takes precedence and my focus reverts back to “me.” 
There is such strength in numbers.  If we could work together to remember those affected by tragedy, to keep us accountable to the hurting world around us, we could become a much stronger nation.  No one person or group can do everything, but as a nation, our numbers grow as does the power of our ability to achieve miraculous things.  We were never meant to walk the earth alone but as a national community of people, willing to step up daily to help one another.  I’m ready to be part of this movement.  How about you, are you with me?