Monday, February 29, 2016

It's a Special Year

Go forth and celebrate! 

Saturday, February 27, 2016

More Than Expected

It certainly works for me.  
Have an awesome weekend knowing you are appreciated.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Do You Have ZTFI?

It appears the longer I live, the closer I get to developing this terminal disease.  I was helping out with a Dollar Store revision earlier this week.  It required removing all the gift cards from their current location in the cabinets and moving them to a new location.  While three of us diligently worked to do this, people kept walking into the card aisle and complaining that the cards were gone.  It was impossible not to notice the full boxes of cards all over the floor that were in the process of relocation.  However, people continued to complain.  The worst was an older woman who, while we were trying to replace the cards into their new pockets, stood right in the middle of the cabinet we were working and with a heavy sigh, said "This is ridiculous."  It took everything I had to not to look her straight in the eye and say, "The only ridiculous thing about it is you standing in the middle of this mess."   It's people like that that give ZTFI the possibility of existence. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Book Hangover

I would like to blame Book Hangover for my forgetfulness - my non-post this morning - but I can't.  I simply forgot to do it.  My apologies.  I hope you all have Book Hangover today for the right reasons!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Distraction With a Purpose

Hmmm...I think he is mistaking "A.D.D" with "Multi-Tasking."  
I can multi-task until the cows come home!  How about you?

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Do You Need a New Book?

Do I really need a new book?
You must be mistaken?
Buy a new book:
     -YES, YES & YES!

Do I have a book addiction?
I mean't collection!  Do I have a book collection?
     -WHY YES I DO!  Thank you for asking.

P.S.  This is the conversation taking place in my head today.  Now, where did I put my wallet and car keys?  

Monday, February 22, 2016

The Problem With Depression

I can not stress enough how true these words are.  I have never been diagnosed with depression, nor has anyone in my family.  However, my husband and his family have dealt with severe depression for many, many years.  To watch someone you love simply quit life is devastating.  It's not something that can be worked through quickly.  It unfolds slowly, one thing leading to another, before cratering completely.  With help, people can rebound but it's a slow journey upward into the light.  If you or someone you love deals with depression, please get help.  My husband saw a medical professional who put him on medication and I went through counseling with another.  There is no shame in being on either side.  Know that you are not alone.  There is help.  You can get through it - one step at a time.  

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Wake Up Calls

My dogs decided to wake up earlier than I had planned this morning, so after I let them outside, I left the sliding glass door open and the three of us cuddled on the couch.  As the boys went back to snoozing, I laid there and listened to the world come alive outside.  The birds were calling to one another and it brought back memories of the slow summer days of Kansas.  I suddenly felt blessed to live in Florida in that I can hear these wonderful sounds of nature all year around.  It filled my heart with joy and made my soul smile.  I don't think a day can start off any better than that!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Little Beasties In Charge

The dog in this picture looks just like my Biscuit and that is the exact same look he gives me every time anything in the kitchen crinkles.  Times that by two little dog bodies and you understand the way my household works!  They think they are in charge!  HA!  (Most of the time they are.)

Have a great Friday!  

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Did You Know Today is a National Holiday?

Who knew this?  Not myself.  However, I just put a bottle of Riesling in the fridge so it will be chilled when I get home from work this afternoon!  It will be well deserved - I've had a long week doing Valentine's to Easter (Spring) changeover in my stores.  I haven't gotten home before dark any night this week.  However, it's given me a lot of road time do some brainstorming on the new novel.  I will home tomorrow so my fingers, my brain and my computer have a date!  I CAN NOT WAIT!!!  I have to get this stuff out of my head and onto the page.  Woo Hoo!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Brainteaser Wednesday

What is the answer? 

(I'll post the answer via comment on Thursday.) - Good Luck!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Because I Care

I ran into an old co-worker yesterday who had the brightest smile and gave me a truly heartfelt hug and I was reminded of how important hugs are.  So, I am passing on that hug to you, whether you need it or not, know that I care about you and wish you only the best.  Have an awesome day.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Crazy Is As Crazy Does

It is truly a sight to see all of our family members on the porch enjoying a cocktail!  Laughter abounds, love shines, and all our crazy spills out for the world to see.  I wouldn't want to belong to any other family!  It is a blessing from above and I love you all so much.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Word Puzzle Challenge

Difficult - that's the word to find!  
How long did it take you find it?
Good luck!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Life Through the Lens

Some people take a million pictures and share/post every one of them while others take very few and keep their special memories locked away in their heads.  Whichever lens you view life through, remember what's important.  Concentrate on the things that matter, celebrate the good times, learn from your mistakes, and when a door closes, always (always) open a window.  

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

12 Steps for the Self

Some of these steps are hard to do, at least for some of us.  However, if you can apply them to your daily life, you will take care of you in a way that no one else can.  Please share these steps with those around you.  Whether you are male or female, they apply to all of us.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Raising Readers

I know this is true because it happened to me.  Creating stories is something I have loved since I can remember.  I am certain that my passion had to come from my parents reading to me at an early age.  So, I need to tell them both thank you for a the tremendous gift they gave me.  I was a gift that cost only their time and it was truly the best gift ever.  

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Find The Cat

Where did I put my colored pencils?
Good luck and have a great weekend!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Better Than Biscuits

Amen!  Have a great day!
P.S.  I still appear to be in that "mixing" phase!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

It's a Two Way Street

I saw this posted on Facebook this morning and it angered me.  It's easy for women to sit back and blame men (in general) for their bad behaviors and attitudes.  However, it's not just men who need an attitude adjustment.  Women need to respect themselves first.  If a woman respects herself, the men she attracts will respect her too.  There will always be the exception but if you share mutual respect for one another, then the exception will never become an issue.  It's always easier to place blame elsewhere than to put the focus where it belongs.  No one is perfect.  However, it has to start with you.  You have to have respect for yourself before others can do the same.  

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Go Forth and...

Go forth and (I really want to say "multiply," but had some foresight that that might not be appropriate) so I'll say "have a lovely day."  Now that I've put a smile on your face, go share your love and happiness in whatever way you deem appropriate.  Have a great day! 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

In Store Road Rage

This was me yesterday while stuck behind a man on a store mobility scooter at Walmart.  I was trying to get past him so that I could log into the vendor log at the customer service desk in order to start call for American Greetings.  I could walk at least triple the speed that scooter was moving but could not get past the darned thing.  Ugh.  And it was only Monday! 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Grease Live

Grease Live aired last night and I had a blast watching it while texting with my mom. It brought back a lot of memories for both of us.  For mom, it took her back to high school and her first date with my dad.  For me, it brought back memories of seeing the movie with my mom in high school.  Though it left out some of the original story line (deservedly so for prime time television), the cast was great and it was a lot of fun to watch.  I'm happy that I recorded it so I can view it again.  If you missed it, I'm sure you can find it online.  It's definitely worth watching, especially if you like musicals.