Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Beware of Thieves on the Prowl

I needed lot's of these yesterday.  I was working in a local dollar store (I'm a merchandiser for American Greetings) where I was restocking Christmas and Everyday cards.  I had my tote bag with me that included my paperwork, scanner, box knife, water, trail mix, and my small purse, both were zipped closed.  The bag was lying in the bottom of a shopping cart beneath a large cardboard box I had sitting lengthwise across the top of the cart so that I could pull out the card packs, remove the plastic around the pack and place them in the empty pockets on the store display.  The bag and cart were next to me the entire six hours I worked the store. 

There were people walking the aisle shopping for Christmas cards while I was working to put them up.  I am not a prejudice person by nature but four young (20ish) Hispanic folks walked through my aisle, and then kept circling back.  Finally, one of the two women stopped beside my box and started rummaging through the remaining cards packs inside it.  I asked it I could help her and she shook her head.  The couple beside her began speaking in rapid-fire Spanish and distracted me just long enough for the fourth male to reach is arm between the back of the box and the front of the shopping cart to unzip both my bag and my purse, remove my wallet and take both the cash and my debit card.  Then they were gone.

Thirty minutes later when I took the empty box and trash to the storage area in the back of the store to discard, I noticed that my bag was open and my wallet was lying on top of my open purse.  Immediately, I checked to find the missing items.  I reported it to the store manager who said he would check the video tape but didn't think that the theft would be seen from the camera angle.  However, it would show the group moving around the store.  Next I went to the bank to report the card stolen.  This was less than an hour after they had possession of it and they had already used it at a gas station.  The bank shut the card down and issued me a new one on the spot.  I went home after that and called the Sheriff's office and they sent a Deputy to my doorstep to take my statement.  Though they had only gotten away with $15 in cash, he was headed directly to the dollar store to speak with the manager and view the video tape.  From there he was going check both locations of the gas station they chose to see if he could get video from them as well.  He was on a mission.

Though I was angry and felt personally violated, I also felt blessed that they were rushed and didn't have the time to return my wallet to it's rightful spot in my purse and left both the purse and the tote bag unzipped.  If they had had more time, I would not have realized as quickly what had happened and the damage could have been extensive.  I am also thankful that I wasn't carrying any other credit cards with me at the time - I only carry them when I intend to use them for a specific purchase or when I'm traveling.

Here we are in the middle of the holiday season and while most of us operate with a capacity filled with a spirit of love and celebration, there are others out there intent on harm.  Because of my experience, I ask that you be careful, be watchful of your surroundings and mindful that not everyone is NOT filled with the holiday spirit.  Blessings to you and yours.  May you enjoy a safe and fruitful holiday safely surrounded by friends and family.

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