Thursday, August 6, 2015

A Random Act of Kindness

My husband wonders why I give so many compliments out to complete strangers.  It's not because I'm out to increase my popularity but a genuine act that comes from my heart.  Sometimes when I pass someone, I need to tell them that "I love your shoes," or "what a pretty necklace," or "you have beautiful eyes," or "what a great laugh you have."

Life is difficult and the world can be a very cruel place.  Mean-spirited people are everywhere.  Taking an extra step to show just a little kindness can mean the world to someone.  You can't know what they are going through and hearing a compliment can change the outlook of a complete stranger.  For me, it's a positive step in the right direction.  I believe that it's much harder to be miserable than to be nice.  So why not share a little kindness with the world?  A simple act of kindness can change a life and quite possibly start a revolution to change the world.  Now that's a bandwagon that I would jump on!

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