Monday, October 6, 2014

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

Read the book, check.
Saw the movie, check.  (Thanks for being my date, Mom!)
Think it makes a great date movie (as it's being advertised), NOPE.

Holy moly.  There were some scenes in the movie that my brain will never be able to "un" see.  Poor Doogie Howser!!!  I want to say that it's a terrible book but when something grabs my attention, makes my heart race, my discoveries of deduction keeps switching sides, there has to be something more substantial to it.  I may not have particularly liked the outcome but the ride getting there will certainly keep you on the edge of your seat!  If you haven't read it or seen it, do.  It's not one to miss.  (I definitely won't say the same thing about Fifty Shades of Gray.  That is one I'll definitely pass on.  Please note that my opinions on that book are strictly professional, not personal.)

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