Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Day After

Twas the day after Christmas
And all through the place,
You can actually move around
With all the reclaimed space.

The presents were unwrapped
Torn open with glee,
The contents exploding
For all the world to see.

A scrumptious dinner was prepared
Cooking at it's best.,
And now comes the day
That parents can rest.

All those decorations
Have a few days respite,
Before retuning to their boxes
Making the home clean and bright. 

A new year is upon us
Coming fast and swift
Each day is a blessing
And yes, quite a gift.

You're blessed beyond measure
As this year comes to an end,
Supported and loved
By many a family and friend.

Enjoy the time remaining
That 2013 will bring.
For 2014 is upon us,
A New Year we will ring.

1 comment:

  1. Love "the day after"... both the poem and the actual day! Leftovers, sales, football, relaxation, playing with toys! Looking forward to 2014 and all God has in store! ,,,, oh, and love my mid afternoon nap... zzz...zzzzz...zzzzz!


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