Sunday, August 21, 2016

Thanks to One and All

After 1,050 posts, 8493 views, 2 followers, and 84 comments, I have decided to put Ink on the Page to rest.  I want to thank you for joining me on my three year journey.  This blog has held a special place in my heart and at times, held me together.  It has allowed me to share my crazy thoughts, my jumbled feelings, my wacky sense of humor, my wonderful family, my precious puppies, and my various upsets with all of you.  I love the written word and have truly enjoyed the road we've traveled together.  Part of me will miss the daily adventure while the other part is ready to travel a different road and create new adventures. 

Here are a few things I hope that you have taken with you from reading this blog:

1.   The past cannot be changed.
2.   Opinions don't define your reality.
3.   Everyone's journey is different.
4.   Things always get better with time.
5.   Judgments are confessions of character.   
6.   Overthinking will lead to sadness.
7.   Happiness is found within.
8.   Positive thoughts create positive things.
9.   Smiles are contagious.
10.  Kindness is free.
11.  You only fail if you quit.
12.  What goes around, comes around.

Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of this journey with me.  That I touched even one life from my silly ramblings, I am both honored and humbled.  I leave you with my heart on the table and wishes for the best life possible.  Make every day count and take care of yourself.

Friday, August 19, 2016

The Moon and Star

I love this necklace by Origami Owl.  It's absolutely beautiful and makes me believe that dreams really can come true.  If you like it as well, go to their website.  It's only available until the end of September.  Dream away!  

Thursday, August 18, 2016

No Matter What

You may be going through a rough time but I can assure you that there are people out there whose lives are so much worse.  I grow frustrated at times because this didn't happen or that isn't improving quickly enough or that my life did not turn out the way I pictured it but I have to tell you that I hear the stories of other's lives or listen to the news or read my Facebook feed and realize that I have a lot more than a lot of folks do.  It's at the moment that I am reminded how truly blessed my life is and I become humbled and grateful for every breath I am given.  When you look up, you have no other choice but to be thankful and hopeful.  May today bring you peace in your struggles.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


Does this ever happen to you?
It has to be telemarketers. 
My friends and family would never do this!
Most of them wouldn't!
Happy Wednesday.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


I mispronounce words all the time.  In fact, I'm reading The Prince of Tides right now and there are many challenging words in it, some I've needed a dictionary to figure out.  Never feel badly that you can pronounce something.  Challenge yourself to keep reading and in turn, learning.  I promise that you won't regret it.

Monday, August 15, 2016

A Serious Fam

This is such a wild and crazy and wonderful thing for someone to do. 
What a fan that J.K. Rowling has! 

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Queen of Sass

"Oh wait, it's Saturday," she says with a palm thump to her head.
"I have 48 hours to figure that out!"
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Family Time

I have seen other postings about families battling with cell phones.  I thought this was a great way to gain control.  Family time is important.  You can't bond with anyone if you can't turn off the phone, the computer, even the television.  We all crave human interaction, it's part of our human makeup.  When someone is talking to you, pay attention.  There is nothing on that phone or computer or television that won't be there later.  The same can not be said about the person or persons vying for your attention.  People leave our lives suddenly and when they do, there is no going backward.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

A Belated Celebration

Yesterday was National Book Lovers Day.  I apologize for not recognizing it beforehand but a little shout out, even though it's late, is better than none at all!  So, to all my avid reading friends - I hope you celebrated!  And if not, like me, plan to do so today.  Cheers to a cold glass of wine and a good read!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Guard Dog

This made me laugh!  My little guys can bark like their big brothers so I'm no too worried about it but I do need to play with Photoshop.  Maybe I can make some great wall photographs!  Happy Tuesday.

Monday, August 8, 2016


These simple things can make a world of difference in any life -
offered or received.
They could actually change the world.
Think about it.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

You Can Do It!

Whether you're a sports fan or not, you should be caught up in the excitement of the Olympics.  It was exciting watching Michael Phelps carry in the US flag last night at the opening ceremonies with his teammates crowded around him, all smiles and ready to show the world their God-given talents.  My television is already tuned in this morning and I am ready to cheer my team to victory.  Each athlete has worked hard to be there to represent their country.  So, wherever you live, whatever country your team represents - cheer them on!  Be loud and be proud!  (A little couch dancing is not out of order either!)  Go team USA! 

Friday, August 5, 2016

If You Fall

Having the klutz gene myself (thanks Mom), I know just how true this statement is!
I am raising my glass to all my klutzy friends and family.
Cheers to you!
Now go forth and enjoy your Friday!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

DIY Crap Baskets

Yes, that is CRAP and not CRAFT baskets - you read the caption right.  Unfortunately, with my kids grown and gone, and it would be my own crap in those baskets!  That kind of takes the fun out of it.  Oh well - it's a great idea for everyone with kids at home. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Why did the Chicken...

Finally an answer to that age old question.  My son and his wife had chickens for a while and yes, this was their fate.  Dinner!  Now our neighbors have chickens as a part of their backyard barnyard - they have more animals back there than a petting zoo which I'm sure most are illegal!  If the bore gets out and comes into our yard again, I can assure you that between my husband and his buddies, we will probably have dinner on the table!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Story of My Life!

Oh, the drama of it all.
Time to find another book to read!
(I just finished After You by JoJo Moyes.)
What are you reading?

Monday, August 1, 2016

Love Me Some Jason Bourne

Oh yes! 
I went to see the new Jason Bourne movie on Saturday.
It did not disappoint!
This is one series that I can sit down and watch whenever it see it on.
If you're a fan - make sure you see it!