This advice could have been put to good use when I was younger and married to a man who didn't seem to like me very much. We don't have to put up with or take being disrespected on an ongoing basis. With stress and mood changes, it's going to happen once in a while with those close to us or even someone you don't know. However, to have it happen in your home on a daily basis is something different and it's something that we don't have to allow to continue. If you are stuck in a situation like this, please know that not everyone behaves this way and that it's not okay for someone to treat you badly. You do have options. Talk to someone. Get help. Or simply, get out.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Friday, April 29, 2016
An Awesome Story
I went to stock cards in a Dollar Store yesterday for American Greetings. While I was putting up new cards, a negro mother and her three children came into the store. The toy aisle is located on the same aisle as one of my card runs and can get a bit unruly when it is overrun by children. There were two boys and girl, all young, the oldest couldn't have been more than a second grader. After their loud exchange on the toy aisle, their mother hollered from the front of the store for them to come up to the register while she checked out. The children followed her instruction and made their way to the front of the store. I then heard the mother tell them to stand right where they were until she was finished. The three children agreed to, though you could hear them fidgeting while they waited. I could not see them from where I was working, but I could hear them. Within a moment or two, one of the boys began to sing...The National Anthem! It immediately caught the customers attention and we all listened as the other two children joined their brother and sang the anthem in it's entirety! I have to say that I was a bit shocked and even more so, a bit overjoyed to have witnessed such a powerful moment. It certainly made me proud to be an American. It was an awesome moment.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Alive and Grateful
Thanks Mom and Dad! I can remember hearing the words, "I brought you into this world, I can take you out of it." I wanted you to know that I truly appreciate your not following through! I did pass that line along to my own children, who in turn, are surely using it at this very moment with their own growing families! Ah, good old family values that live the test of time and continue on through multiple generations! You've gotta love it!
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
I had to repeat many lessons over and over when I was younger. As I've aged, I think I've improved - I only need to repeat it three or four times now! My problem is that I am kind hearted and believe that all people are decent at the core. Sometimes they have to prove and re-prove that they truly are not. At that point, I walk away with disappointment - both in myself for trying so hard and in them for letting me down. God's word tells us to turn the other cheek. Sometimes I'm just plain short of cheeks!
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Monday, April 25, 2016
Choose Wisely
We need to eat the right things to fuel our bodies well.
The same goes for our minds.
Be sure to care for the whole bodily package,
it's the only one we have.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
Do You Remember...
Ah yes. As soon as I could spell and string sentences together, I was using the pencil to create my stories. Though they may have been original, I'm sure they were quite lacking in substance at that point! Thank goodness that for one, I never lost my drive to tell my stories, and two, I got better at telling them! I was always told by my teachers to read, read, read and write, write, write. I still do both, only not as much as I would like to. Please stay true to your dreams. You're the only one who can breathe life into them.
Friday, April 22, 2016
Happiness Is...
There is nothing better than reading a good book.
A series just gives you a bigger and better look into the characters,
which makes them that much more endearing.
Enjoy whatever it is that you're reading today!
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Those Darned Waddlers
And then I have to run after it and all the other ducks go a wondering off!
I'd build an enclosure to keep them in but living in a box is no fun.
So they'll keep escaping and I'll keep on chasing them.
Hoping all the while, they take me someplace new and exciting!
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
I Was Wrong
Yes - some days I feel really old - like today! I worked nine hours yesterday which meant I stood and bent and stooped for all nine of those hours. My body ached when I crawled into bed last night and I'm still a little stiff this morning. What ever happened to those days when you could play hard, get a good nights sleep and jump up the next morning to do it all over again with a single worry or pang of pain? I know we are only as old as we feel but some days I feel like I should be closing in on 100!
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Dear Diary...Day 4
I apologize for not posting yesterday. I had technical difficulties as the hard drive in my computer crashed and had to be replaced. The fix took longer than expected. However, the computer is running properly now and I have released a huge sigh of relief!
After a wonderful weekend with our granddaughter, we spent the morning yesterday preparing for the arrival of mommy and daddy. It's amazing how much stuff a little one requires. We had we had feeding supplies, diaper changing supplies, bathing and clothing supplies, transportation equipment for both indoor and outdoor use, her bed, bedding, and toys spread everywhere. She took over the entire house! We set a stuffed animal beneath a blanket in her car seat and left it on the front porch for her parents arrival (much like they did to us to begin our weekend)! However, as this was the first time mommy and baby had been apart overnight (let alone three), you can believe that there were happy tears when they were reunited. Mostly mommy tears! Mom and I were both happy and sad to see her go. We had such a great time with her and appreciated the opportunity that had been given us. We were also relieved that she was still alive and healthy when we returned her! Thanks again kids - we are truly grateful that we had this special time with her. Give us a little time to recuperate and we'll be happy to do it all over again!
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Dear Diary...Day 3
I was right. It was a rough Friday night/Saturday morning. Poor Addie was off her schedule, missed her snuggling mommy and cried for over an hour in the middle of the night. However, she slept a couple of hours later than normal waking at 8:00 instead of 6:00! We did a lot of playing on the floor with her (our backsides are sore!). She busied herself in her walker making new discoveries and we took her for a couple of walks in her stroller. She did fight us some when trying to get her down for her naps but overall, she was a happy baby and her smiles and coos light up the room. We are ready for another day of precious time with her. I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad that she's leaves us tomorrow. We'd better make the best of today! Off I go!
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Dear Diary...Day 2
We survived Day 1! Addie arrived early and her mama brought us a written schedule titled "A Day in the Life of Addie Mae, A Graphic Novel." Actually, it wasn't as tough as we feared. After some real crocodile tears when she figured out mom and dad were leaving her alone with us, she was a happy girl. She loved the golf cart ride to the club to visit the "girls" but didn't so much like all those grown up girls and boys! We stopped at a neighbors before arriving home and she wanted no part of that visit either! Her favorite parts of the day were eating, sitting up and playing with her toys and learning a new game...peek-a-boo. Of course great-grandma took many pictures with her ipod! Needless to say, we followed the graphic novel as closely as possible but we still messed up! However, her schedule was already amiss before she arrived so that's our story and we're sticking to it! She stayed a great-grandma's last night. I sent a text to find out how things were going this morning but haven't gotten a reply...that could be good or bad! Hang in there Mom, I'm on my way!
Friday, April 15, 2016
Dear Diary...Day 1
Yes - it's the first day of a four day weekend for mom and I with our six month old granddaughter/great-granddaughter. This morning our precious little one will be dropped off so her parents can take a romantic cruise to the Bahamas to celebrate their 10th anniversary. We have both raised children so we can't quite figure out why our nerves are running rampant. I had only one request from my son before pulling out of the driveway...the ship-to-shore number for that boat (which we will personally verify)! I'll keep you apprised of our weekend so be sure to check back to see how we're doing. Also, please leave any supportive comments you may have for us. Prayers would be good too! We need all the help we can get!
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Japanese Decluttering
I'm on a roll! Now I've got to go hold some more things to see what else I want to throw out! Will you join me in decluttering? And if so, what are you going to get rid of first?
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Enjoying Strawberry Season
Let's celebrate strawberry season with something yummy!
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly grease 2 (9-inch) round cake pans.
- In a large bowl, combine cake mix and gelatin. Add pureed strawberries, eggs, oil, and water; beat at medium speed with an electric mixer until smooth. Pour into prepared pans, and bake for 20 minutes, or until a wooden pick inserted in the center comes out clean.
- Let cool in pans for 10 minutes. Remove from pans, and cool completely on wire racks.
- For the frosting:
- In a large bowl, beat butter and cream cheese at medium speed with an electric mixer until creamy. Beat in ¼ cup of the strawberry puree and the strawberry extract. (The rest of the puree is leftover but can be used in smoothies or on ice cream for a delicious treat.) Gradually add confectioners’ sugar, beating until smooth.
- Spread frosting in between layers and on top and sides of cake. Garnish with sliced fresh strawberries, if desired.
Monday, April 11, 2016
Every woman I know should feel "Flawsome" no matter where they are or what stage their at in the journey called life. Go forth, enjoy who you are and live life to it's fullest possible potential!
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Beach Attire
That's why you buy a new bathing suit (or three) every season! Today, I am putting on my trusty flip flops and heading to the beach for some sea air, sunshine, and fresh seafood. Have a great weekend!
Friday, April 8, 2016
Stretch Our Wings
Sitting on my patio this morning, sipping a cup of hot tea, I gazed over the bright green of my yard and felt the soft breeze blow through the screened enclosure. I was reminded of the beauty in the world and the value of a life well lived. We all start out as a caterpillar before we can change into a butterfly. No one reaches the top without leaving a trail behind. Let's all strive to live the best life that we can. No matter what challenges we each face, we have to remember to stretch our wings and fly.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Swinging By a Thread
Yes, it's been one of those weeks for me. They don't happen often, which I'm thankful for. I just wanted to post this to show that if you ever feel this way, you aren't alone.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Stay Humble and Kind

Tim McGraw sang his new song at the ACM's on Sunday night. If you haven't heard it, but sure to take a minute to Google it and listen to it. I promise you won't be disappointed.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Retirement Planning
I'm going to start boosting my retirement plan today!
How about you?
If so, join me at the liquor store...
Let's say, in thirty minutes?
See you there!!!
Monday, April 4, 2016
Saturday, April 2, 2016
7 Tips for Keeping Your Man (from the 1950s)
For anyone needing a heavy dose of reality from a gone-by era. The modern day comentary makes a good laugh!
1. Don't Talk
Oh, did Mavis from next door insult your prize winning squash? Did little Timmy get sent home for starting fires again? That shooting pain in your left arm just keeps getting more intense? Keep it to yourself! Your man works all through his day and the last thing he needs to hear about is yours. Refer to the first four commandments on “How to be a Good Wife” Edward Podolsky gives in his 1943 book, Sex Today in Wedded Life:Don’t bother your husband with petty troubles and complaints when he comes home from work.In his 1951 book, Sex Satisfaction and Happy Marriage, Reverend Alfred Henry Tyrer has more to add to that. Do not ask for things. This is called "nagging":
Be a good listener. Let him tell you his troubles; yours will seem trivial in comparison.
Remember your most important job is to build up and maintain his ego (which gets bruised plenty in business). Morale is a woman’s business.
Let him relax before dinner. Discuss family problems after the inner man has been satisfied.
I verily believe that the happiness of homes is destroyed more frequently by the habit of nagging than by any other one. A man may stand that sort of thing (nagging) for a long time, but the chances are against his standing it permanently. If he needs peace to make life bearable, he will have to look for it elsewhere than in his own house. And it is quite likely that he will look.Unless your husband wants you to talk. Then don’t you dare disappoint him. Says Reverend Tyrer:
“If [the husband] is intellectually inclined, and from time to time seeks to explain little things to her so that she may have at least a bare knowledge of what it is that interests him, and, without the slightest comment, she takes up again the fashion magazine she laid down when he commenced to speak, we may be pretty sure that there is going to be a ‘rift in the lute’ sooner or later in that house.”
2. Bad cooking will drive your man to seedy saloons
My god woman, this turkey tastes like wet toilet paper stuffed inside a burnt basketball. Have you no pride? Oh, you had a late shift at the hospital and then went straight to Timmy’s intervention? No excuses! Heed Reverend Tyrer!A social service meeting, an afternoon tea, a matinee, a whatnot, is no excuse for there being no dinner ready when a husband comes home from a hard day’s work.Or listen to the even more plain-spoken Dr. William Josephus Robinson:
Housekeeping accomplishments and cooking ability are, of course, positive essentials in any true home, and every wife should take a reasonable pride in her skill. Happiness does not flourish in an atmosphere of dyspepsia.
Bad cooking is responsible for dyspepsia, dyspepsia is responsible for grouchiness and irritability, grouchiness and irritability lead to quarrels and squabbles. And bad cooking, which is the usual thing in the average American home, has been responsible as much as any other factor for driving the husband to the saloon, and to other places. And when she does cook, she should cook, and not be, as somebody said, a mere can opener.If you didn’t want your husband to become a syphilitic alcoholic, you should have learned to make a damn pot roast properly.
3. Be the Hot Steak, Not the Cheap Pork
Speaking of cooking, Reverend Tyrer has a metaphor for you.
Picture a woman preparing a fine meal for her husband.
“She remembered his choice of meat and was careful to get an extra-fine cut…her best cutlery and dishes and finest linen are all in evidence, and a little colorful decoration has been tastefully displayed…and as he comes into the house she greets him with a smile of welcome and a touch of manifest love.”
Now, say that linen was a bed sheet, the colorful little decoration was fuzzy handcuffs, and you had the privilege of being that extra fine cut of meat. What does all that equal? A husband who doesn’t cheat on you!
But say that same wife "is constantly setting him down to indigestible meals, cold and unappetizing, with nothing properly cooked, set out on a kitchen table with a dirty cloth, she need not be surprised if her husband frequently telephones from the office that business will prevent him from being home for dinner."
All because you weren’t properly cooked when he was hungry!
4. But don't be a Sexual Vampire or a Frigid Franny
Of course, as Dr. Robinson tells us, it is possible to be over-cooked. Then you become a “sexual vampire” and you will drive your husband to his grave, feasting on his life force.
Just as the vampire sucks the blood of its victims in their sleep while they are alive, so does the woman vampire suck the life and exhaust the vitality of her male partner—or "victim."
It is to be borne in mind that it is particularly older girls—girls between thirty and fifty—who are apt to be unreasonable in their demands when they get married; but no age is exempt; sexual vampires may be found among girls of twenty as well as among women of sixty and over.The opposite of that is to be frigid, of course. That means you take no particular pleasure from the sexual act with your husband. Oh, "we should talk it out openly and honestly," you say? Maybe see a doctor, a therapist?
You disgust me. What do you think that will do to your husband’s ego? Listen to Dr. Robinson and save your marriage!
Now, if you are one of those frigid or sexually anesthetic women, don’t be in a hurry to inform your husband about it. To the man it makes no difference in the pleasurableness of the act whether you are frigid or not unless he knows that you are frigid. And he won’t know unless you tell him, and what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Heed this advice. It has saved thousands of women from trouble.
5. Pink Panties are a must
And while we’re on the subject of you performing convincingly in the boudoir, you better be costumed correctly, too.That the underwear should be spotlessly clean goes without saying, but every woman should wear the best quality underwear that she can afford. And the color should be preferably pink. And lace and ruffles, I am sorry to say, add to the attractiveness of underwear, and are liked by the average man.6. Let him have a little fun now and then
What if your man strays after marriage? Well, Dr. Robinson is here for you again. He says that ultimately, a wife will react to infidelity as her heart dictates. But he still offers some advice.
Get over it.
But in case of an occasional lapse on the part of the husband—there a bit of advice may prove acceptable. And my advice would be: forgive and forget. Or still better—make believe that you know nothing. An occasional lapse from the straight path does not mean that he has ceased to love you. He may love you as much; he may love you a good deal more.
7. Your Husband is The Boss Of You
It is fitting to close with a simple truism from the renowned Eugenicist Prof. B.G. Jefferis, in his Searchlights on Health, The Science of Eugenics:The Number One Rule. Reverence Your Husband.—He sustains by God’s order a position of dignity as head of a family, head of the woman. Any breaking down of this order indicates a mistake in the union, or a digression from duty.Stop talking, slap on some pink drawers, and start worshiping!
Friday, April 1, 2016
Goodbye March
Spring showers bring May flowers. I can't believe that it's already April. Where does the time go? The older I get the more my life seems to be on hyper-drive. It's like I'm watching out the window as it flies right on by. Goodness, please slow down. There are so many things I'd like to enjoy leisurely but it just doesn't seem to be possible. Maybe we need to stop making lists of all the things that "need" to get done and concentrate on the things that we would "like" to do. If we don't make an effort, we will never get around to doing those things that we'd "like" to. That's not an April Fool's joke but an honest opinion. I think that I'll take my own advice - at least for today. If it works out, I'll definitely do it more often!
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