Saturday, November 29, 2014

Christmas Tree Twig Ornamants

Simple yet rustic and timeless.  All you need are some twigs from the backyard, glue, material, glitter, buttons, charms, a little splash of paint for a snow effect (anything you want to decorate with), and a ribbon for the hanger.  Be as creative you want and have fun! 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Wishes For a Blessed Thanksgiving

A Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Lord, so often times, as any other day
When we sit down to our meal and pray

We hurry along and make fast the blessing
Thanks, amen. Now please pass the dressing

We're slaves to the olfactory overload
We must rush our prayer before the food gets cold

But Lord, I'd like to take a few minutes more
To really give thanks to what I'm thankful for

For my family, my health, a nice soft bed
My friends, my freedom, a roof over my head

I'm thankful right now to be surrounded by those
Whose lives touch me more than they'll ever possibly know

Thankful Lord, that You've blessed me beyond measure
Thankful that in my heart lives life's greatest treasure

That You, dear Jesus, reside in that place
And I'm ever so grateful for Your unending grace

So please, heavenly Father, bless this food You've provided
And bless each and every person invited


--Scott Wesemann

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Preparations

We are taking a two hour road to my son's home for Thanksgiving so this picture should actually be directed at my daughter-in-law.  Instead of wine, we'll be partaking of spiked (much more important than spiced) hot apple cider.  We won't leave until tomorrow morning but I already have my mug in hand!  Eating and drinking...two things our family does very well together!

Did You Know?

It's Thanksgiving Eve and I thought you might be up for a few Thanksgiving fun facts.  (Just in case you find yourself in the middle of a game of Thanksgiving trivia!) 

  • Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the national bird of the United States. 
  • Sarah Josepha Hale, an American magazine editor, persuaded Abraham Lincoln to declare Thanksgiving a national holiday. She is also the author of the popular nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
  • Abraham Lincoln issued a 'Thanksgiving Proclamation' on third October 1863 and officially set aside the last Thursday of November as the national day for Thanksgiving.
  • The annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade tradition began in the 1920's.
  • In 1939, President Roosevelt proclaimed that Thanksgiving would take place on November 23rd, not November 30th, as a way to spur economic growth and extend the Christmas shopping season.
  • Congress to passed a law on December 26, 1941, ensuring that all Americans would celebrate a unified Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November every year.
  • Since 1947, the National Turkey Federation has presented a live turkey and two dressed turkeys to the President. The President does not eat the live turkey. He "pardons" it and allows it to live out its days on a historical farm.
  • Tuesday, November 25, 2014

    Turkey Coldcuts

    Cute, cute! 
    This little guy gets you into the mood for food, doesn't he?

    Monday, November 24, 2014

    Saturday, November 22, 2014

    Thursday, November 20, 2014

    Milk Jug Snowmen

    There are strings of clear Christmas lights put in the jugs. You make a small hole in the backs of the jugs and push the plug through then plug them in. All you need are milk jugs, felt, some poofy balls, foam stems for the mufflers, and glue. Very simple, but amazing look.  A fun project to make with your kids.

    Wednesday, November 19, 2014

    For a Little Holiday Reading...

    Try The 13th Gift by Joanne Huist Smith.  (It's rated 4.5 Stars!)

    For readers of Richard Paul Evans and Greg Kincaid comes The 13th Gift, a heartwarming Christmas story about how a random act of kindness transformed one of the bleakest moments in a family's history into a time of strength and love.

    After the unexpected death of her husband, Joanne Huist Smith had no idea how she would keep herself together and be strong for her three children--especially with the holiday season approaching. But 12 days before Christmas, presents begin appearing on her doorstep with notes from their "True Friends." As the Smiths came together to solve the mystery of who the gifts were from, they began to thaw out from their grief and come together again as a family. This true story about the power of random acts of kindness will warm the heart, a beautiful reminder of the miracles of Christmas and the gift of family during the holiday season.

    I'm going to pick up a copy to start after Thanksgiving!

    Tuesday, November 18, 2014

    Edible Ornaments

    Yes, these are as easy as 1.  2.  3.  4!
    I need to get some new cookie cutters!

    Monday, November 17, 2014

    Sunday, November 16, 2014

    Creative Christmas Tree

    I know that I shared this picture last year but I just think it is so creative that it needs to be posted again.  It's such an awesome idea and perfect for anyone who doesn't have the space a traditional tree takes up.  (I apologize for not posting yesterday.  I went into work early, yes - on a Saturday - and forgot all about sharing a post.  Bad me.)

    Thursday, November 13, 2014

    Who Am I?

    How well do you know your friends and family?  Here is a little test to find out.  For me however, some of the categories don't fit me at all.  Those who know me well should be able to figure them out!  Have fun and good luck!  May the Force (of friendship) be with you!

    Unique Photo Display

    I haven't had an opportunity to put this together but I know it would make the perfect gift for my son and grandson.  I just need to find all the components and put it together.  How about you?  Do you have a fisherman in your life who might like to have something handmade like this little gem? 

    Wednesday, November 12, 2014

    There is a Reason...

    I can only say that God definitely has a sense of humor.
    Until things begin to make sense,
    live one day at a time with a smile.

    Monday, November 10, 2014

    A Fun Pumpkin Treat

    Yes, that would be a Rice Krispie pumpkin treat!  Just follow the recipe on the cereal box or marshmallow bag.  To get the orange coloring, add a drop or two of both red and yellow food coloring into the marshmallow mix during the melting process.  After mixing in the Rice Krispies, allow the mixture to cool for a few minutes, then roll it into balls.  Bend a Tootise Roll to look like a stem, place it on top and watch how quickly they disappear!

    What Every Novelist Needs!

    HA HA!  


    Saturday, November 8, 2014

    Fall Wreath Project

    What a simple, yet festive project this is for those with children or grandchildren.  You'll need a paper plate, construction paper, paint, a handful of leaves from the backyard, glue, a small length of ribbon and some small hands to trace.  Cut the center away from a paper plate, dip the hands into the paint and place them on the construction paper.  After allowing the paint to dry, cut out the painted hand shapes, attach the ribbon hanger, then arrange and glue the hands and leaves to the plate.  H hang on your door, wall, or anywhere that you can to show off your handiwork!

    Friday, November 7, 2014

    People Are Crazy

    Yes, it's was a full moon last night.  For some reason, a full moon does strange things to people.  They become cranky, easily irritated and aggressive.  I am a customer service manager and I have to tell you, I'm waiting for this weekend to be ramped up with complaints, especially because it's been a quiet week.  I can't say that I'm looking forward to it. 

    I compare the effects of a full moon to Billy Currington's song, People Are Crazy.  The lyrics to the chorus:

    Beer is good
    God is great
    People are crazy.

    Enough said!

    Thursday, November 6, 2014

    A Creative Way to Give Thanks

    Isn't this a festive Thanksgiving display for your mantel, table or shelf ?  It's so simple but gets right to the point.  You only need six 8 oz, 16 oz or 32 oz Amber Boston Round bottles, letter stencils, white paint, and six decorative wheat plumes.

    The paint, stencils, and wheat plumes can by found at your local hobby story.  You'll find these bottles are available at:  Check them out for all your bottling needs!

    Wednesday, November 5, 2014

    New Friends vs. Old Friends

    I love making new friends - that some of them will be lifelong "new" friends will be a bonus!  Mom, you can be Renee and I'll be Buffy.  Oh, sorry, that one is already taken.  I'll think of something new!

    I wish that each of you are blessed with the best old/new friends that your life can handle!

    Tuesday, November 4, 2014

    Sock Snowmen

    These snowmen are so cute!  I am working on my own set right now.  I used plain socks (as opposed to the striped), turning them inside out to look like snow.  Once you have all the supplies:  socks, rice, rubber bands, buttons, and material for the scarf, it only takes 30 minutes or less to put one of these little guys together.  It's a simple project for yourself, your friends or family and great for decorating your home, office or gift giving.  Who wouldn't love to receive something that is thoughtful and better yet, made by your own loving hands?  Have fun, I am!

    Monday, November 3, 2014

    Spreading Holiday Fun!

    I am planning to share the world of inexpensive yet fun and easy craft projects with you over the next couple of months.  Be sure to check back every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday for new craft ideas to make on your own or share with family and friends.  Let's have some fun adding our own personal touches to the upcoming holiday season.  See you tomorrow!

    Saturday, November 1, 2014

    I Believe!

    Follow your dreams no matter how tough they may seem.  You will grow to be a better, stronger, happier person for achieving them.  Nothing is impossible.  Keep believing in yourself.  You can do it!  (Yes, I pulled my pom-poms out of the closet for this post!)